Chapter 9

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"Regal," Hazel told me as Amanda pulled my dress over my head. "That's the theme today and you have another lesson with Juliet today." I had already recounted last nights events to my maids and Hazel was now reading out my schedule.

"Wonderful," I said sarcastically, " just wonderful," I muttered, now I had to sit through another long lesson of Juliet telling me what to do. "Come on it won't be that bad," Alicia tried to encourage me, "maybe you could train with the guards later?" That cheered me up. Wanting to get out of the dress I headed to breakfast after waving goodbye to my maids. My thoughts clouded over as I walked swishing the fabric of my dress, the last time I had talked to Luke he seemed off -distant. Hopefully, he would return to normal if I went and saw him, trained with him and just talked. I would smooth this over everything would be fine...

I poked and readjusted my crown as I neared the dining room, the pins were mercilessly stabbing my head and the crown was slipping on my smooth hair. Not that I would tell anyone that I was in discomfort, I had been raised not to complain -not that I listened- and to hold myself with grace and maturity. So that is what I did as I walked into the dining room and took in all the girls outfits. Most of them looked uncomfortable or in Drew's case out of place, she looked stiff and paranoid in the dark dress and small tiara that adorned her head.

Suddenly the diamonds on my head and neck felt heavy as Percy walked in with his family. I noticed that besides the queen I had the biggest crown, I felt undeserving of the jewels since I was not royalty. Apparently, to Percy, he did not care since his jaw hit the floor once he looked in my direction. I rolled my eyes and took my seat next to Piper, after breakfast the crown was the least of my worries because Percy did not even look in my direction for the rest of the morning.

Our class with Julia, if possible, went slower than usual. It contained her explaining how to be Queen and how to rule a country. Which I'll admit scared the hades out of every girl in the room, besides Drew- who was probably bred from birth to rule over people.

After lessons, I went straight to the gardens and around to the guard's training area. I wondered of Piper and what she and the other girls were doing, I seemed to be one of the only ones who was not caught up in the daydream of the selection, well I guess I had a lot more to lose than anyone else. My mind also wandered to Luke... heaven forbid... no, I would not use luke as a backup plan if things went south in the selection. But the thought was still there in the back of my mind trying to come up and eat away at me. I also was forbidden to get into any other relationship, it had happened before and the culprits were beheaded by dawn. technically I am Illéa property now, Percy's property.

It felt weird, I also felt guilty for thinking such things when Percy was my boyfriend but was he really? How could he be if he dated other girls at the same time? I was confused and conflicted about my feelings for Luke and Percy, about the crown, about my future, love, whether I would fall in it or ever develop that kind of devotion for anyone. "You no-good worthless child! Nobody loves you and no one ever will. I will make sure of it. You are too insignificant to matter to anybody! As soon as we get back I will throw you to the nearest man and say 'Take care of her.'" Helen's words and promise rang through my head and I shivered as I arrived at the training hall. I'm sure that she will keep her word as soon as I am eliminated...

"No... it-it couldn't be!" I whispered to myself, what if Percy only kept me here, only kissed me and cuddled me because he couldn't bear his own guilt of handing me over to Helen, what if he was faking it? Just to spare himself the fault of my miserable end? I felt like crying but I couldn't do that now not in front of everyone.

"Your majesty!" Clarisse bowed to me. I realized I was still in my formal wear and had forgotten to change.

"Peasant," I waved my hand in her direction playing along, "care for some training?" I asked a challenge held in my eyes. Clarisse had bullied me until I was 12 but we somehow sorted it out and became the best sparring partners. I could kill Percy and anyone else who dared fight me but Clarisse was a challenge.

The  Selection AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin