Chapter 5

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 It was the second day in the selection and I was already tired. I was woken by Hazel who jumped on me, once I finally got out of bed I was dragged to the bathroom. After I told them that Percy had come to my room the night before they lost it and started squealing. What a way to wake up.

"I'm going deaf!" I yelled over them.

"Oh sorry." Alicia apologised.

"I'm not! You two were made for each other!" Hazel shouted then ran out of the room. She came back in holding two dresses.

"You can wear the long one to breakfast then change into the short one for the hearing and change again when you get home," She explained and I nodded. "I decided on blue butterfly's to compliment your hair." she finished. I absolutely loved the soft fabric and plus the shoes were super comfortable. After them stabbing my head with pins for ten minutes my hair was done and  I headed to breakfast.

"I love this!" Piper yelled and started touching the butterflies. She got a repriming look from Juliet.

"The fabric is so soft and the detail's on the butterflies are incredible!" She explained and kept poking me.

"It was all Hazel," I told her just as the royal family entered. We stood and they came in, all the girls watched them intently trying to see if they caught any attention, most girls had on fancy dresses in wild colours but Percy seemed to be only staring at me. The whole time. I didn't know why he found interest in my plain blue dress when he could be watching drews cleavage but it didn't bug me as much as I thought it would.

Finally, breakfast finished and I was the first to leave. I ran straight to my room, as best I could in the heals and the girls quickly took my dress off. They threw the new one on, fixed up up my messy hair and kicked me out the door.

"Wow!" It was Piper. She was walking to her room just as I left mine. Again she told me how much she loved it and I only just got out of her grip. When I eventually reached the foyer, Sally, Paul and Percy were there.

"S-sorry I-I took so-so long, Piper would not let go!" I said as I panted. They laughed.

"Well, you're not late. But who is Piper?" Paul asked.

"One of the selected." I answered.

"Making friends with the competition are we?" Percy asked. I just poked my tongue out at him. We then got into the car and drove to the courthouse.

When we got there we were all brought into a side room where I assumed they were going to question him. We sat in some comfy chairs in a big white room that had a table in the middle. until another man joined us.

"I'm Robert, I will be questioning him today." He introduced himself and sat in a chair in front of us. Then two guards brought in the rebel and sat him in a chair facing us.

"So what is your name?" Robert asked. The rebel hesitated.

"Alex," Alex said reluctantly.

"Well Alex, let's get to it. lets start with something simple. Why did you break into the palace?" Robert asked calmly. Alex tilted him to the side, clearly not going to answer.

"Who do you work for?" Robert tried again but was only met with silence.

"What was your target?" His calm demeanour was wearing thin. Still no answer.

"Why did you aim for lady Annabeth instead of Prince Percy?" I huffed at the lady part. I could see Robert was getting annoyed but I wanted answers. I stood up and walked over to Robert.

"May I?" I asked, he nodded and moved out of the chair. I sat down slowly and crossed my legs. I then slowly leaned back, keeping my posture as if this were natural for me. He watched my every move. I then fixed him with my piercing grey eyes, completely calm. But he was very uncomfortable, shifting his gaze. I just watched him for a while I could tell he grew up in poverty from his posture and clothes, probably didn't have any family. I guessed he had a sister that was very important to him, I had a knack for reading people.

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