Chapter 7

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'Something touched my nose' I thought to myself. I opened my eyes a tiny bit.

"Ahhhhh! spider!" I screeched and fell out of bed. I was on the brink of tears when I looked up and realized it was just hazels hair.

"Oh, I'm so sorry are you okay!" She scrambled off the bed and held me in her arms. I have arachnophobia and Hazel knew that so she always took care of the spiders. After a few deep breaths, I calmed down.

"I'm okay now." I said and Hazel helped me stand. I got in the bath just as Amanda and Alicia showed up.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked as she did my hair. I hadn't realized but my hands were shaking and I was quite pale.

"I thought I saw a spider this morning so I freaked. But I will be okay in a few minutes." I said. I didn't like telling people about my arachnophobia I guess it just made admitting it real and I had enough trouble with it without fully accepting it. By the time they did up my dress, I was fine. I was heading out to breakfast when I ran into Silena.

"Hey, can you get Caly and Katie and meet in my room after breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure." She said and we walked into the dining room. I sat next to Piper.

"Morning Piper can you fill me in?" I asked.

"Yeah, after the sirens were cut last night the queen told us that none of us were at risk so we could go. I went back to my room and found out that Percy had gone to five girls room individually and sent them home. It was Samantha brown, molly Collen, Hollie foster, Bella Simpson and Nessy jones." She said. I then looked around and noticed that there were five seats missing. Only 24 left.

"Can you meet me in my room after breakfast?" I asked.

"Okay. What's happening?" She asked.

"Its a surprise!" I said teasingly.

We were halfway through breakfast when Juliet stood up.

"Okay girls so meet outside the recording studio at four. Don't be late." She seemed to look at me. "Then have your showers and get ready for bed. Come here in your PJ's for dinner-" Everyone looked shocked but Percy and I did that all the time. "Then you get your surprise!" She clapped and went back over to her seat. I leaned over piper.

"Hey Thals and Reyna, don't make any plans come to my room after breakfast." They gave me questioning looks but I just smiled. After breakfast, I headed to my room and a few minutes later the girls showed up.

"So what is the surprise?" Piper asked we were all seated around my room.

"We are going to a birthday party." I said and they did not look impressed.

"Well, I'm going to Grovers party." I stood up and walked to the door. Hazel jumped up and followed me. She opened her mouth but I cut her off.

"Yes, Frank will be there." I said and she squealed all the girls still looked confused.

"Oh well, I will just tell Percy you couldn't come." At that, they all started screaming.

"Yes Percy will be there, Grover is our closest friend that we share." They all agreed and we headed to the gardens. When we walked into the area that the party was being held in Percy was there so was Jason, Frank, Beckendorf, Grover and juniper.

"Look who showed up!" Grover teased.

"Hey, we were here before the Stolls and Leo!" I complained.

"Yeah, whatever." He said and I gave him a hug. I then hugged Juniper Grover's girlfriend, Beck, Frank and Jason. Percy was still setting the speakers up.

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