Chapter 6

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I woke up then remembered what was happening. Then I really woke up. I shot up in bed just as the girls were walking in, I scared the life out of them. But I didn't really take that information in.

"Percy asked me on a date." I said and all hell broke loose. Hazel started screaming about ships, Alicia tackled me and Amanda started squealing. We all looked at her.

"What? I can get excited." She said then we started screaming again.

 They got me into my dress (It was very light which I was thankful for.) and my slip on's. They didn't touch my hair so I didn't choke on hair spray that morning and pretty soon I was walking into the dinning room.

I sat next to piper and engaged in normal conversation while brushing off the glares drew was giving me. We stood when the Jacksons entered and I watched Percy. He seemed happier. After what felt like the longest breakfast ever I headed back to my room.

"What's taking so long?" Hazel whined I was sitting at my desk reading. Amanda was siting on the couch watching Alicia and Hazel play cards on my bed.

"If its not lunch time then its not a lunch date!" Alicia threw the cards in the air and flopped down onto my bed.

"I know but-" Hazel was cut short by a knock on the door. I checked the clock it was half past eleven I was expecting him to be there at twelve.

"What?" I asked as I walked over to the door. I opened it and Percy was standing there in shorts and a t-shirt. I gave him a confused look.

"No questions just come." He said grabbing my hand.

"Have her home at a reasonable time Mr!" Hazel yelled as we ran down the corridor. He dragged me outside to a waiting car and opened the passenger door. I got in and he ran around the other side to the driver's seat.

"Where are we going seaweed brain?!" I whined. He laughed.

"No wise girl you're just going to have to be confused for a bit." He said. I tried a few more times before giving up and looking out the window. I tried recognising where we were but had no luck. He realised what I was doing.

"There is a blind fold down the side of the seat. Put it on." He demanded. I rolled my eyes but complied. I sat in darkness for another five minutes until the car stopped and Percy got out he then opened my door. He helped me out then led me down a cement path.

"You can take it off now." He said and I did. I was temporarily blinded by the light but then realised it was the sun. We were on the beach. There was a small picnic set up under some shade and Percy pulled me to it.

"Whatcha think?" He asked me once we had sat down. I honestly loved it besides the library the beach was my favourite place to be. The perfect place for my first date.

"I love it. Going to be hard to top this." I said.

"Eh, I have an idea." He said smiling.

We then ate and talked about everything it felt like I was just with my best friend.

"So grover is having a birthday party tomorrow in the gardens." He started. Grover was our shared best friend I knew him first but he was probably closer to Percy.

"You can bring whoever you like. And yes I did sort out the cake." He finished cutting off my thoughts.

"Yeah okay, I have a few people in mind." I answered.

"Lets swim." He said and I laughed.

"Amanda, Alicia and Hazel would kill me if I ruined this dress." I said. He smiled.

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