The whole game, I feel a knot in my stomach. There was a moment where I thought I was going to mess up when a boy with long brown hair winked at me. All I had to do was not look his way anymore to control myself. But I do have to admit to myself. I did good! Not one little mess up. I couldn't be happier when the game was over.

When I meet Penelope in the parking lot, I give her a big hug and she laughs.

"You did great!" She beams.

"Thanks! I didn't think I was going to be good. I was so nervous!"

We both get in the car and I turn to her, "We have to go to this party we got invited to."

She shakes her head frantically, "No, please. No parties."

I frown and clasp my hands in front of me, giving her my best pouty face, "Yes, please. I know I don't do parties either, but it's our senior year. Let's act like normal teenagers."

She smiles shyly while rolling her eyes, "Fine. I guess secretly I have wanted to go to a crazy party at least once."

"Yes! Let's go to the house so I can change really quick." I don't want to walk around in this outfit any longer. I had to already wear it all day during school hours.

We go home and I change as fast as I can, I just throw on a pair of shorts and a cute top. I give my parents a quick goodbye kiss on our way out, letting them know we won't be out late. 

We pull up to the house, it's not that far from our school. It seems that even though I changed pretty quickly, there are already so many people here. We had to park a block away from the house.

There are so many people, as we're walking up to the house. I notice some girls still in their cheerleading uniform and I give them a small smile as I walk by them.

People are hanging out in front of the house and we have to weave our way in. I try to look around for Natalie, but I don't see her in the front room. We head into the kitchen and we see her lying on the kitchen island without her top on and her cheerleading skirt still on. Suddenly, a guy with dark hair and black clothes leans down over her breast and takes the little glass that was nestled in between, and tilts his head up. Everyone cheers him on and he smirks at the crowd.

She sits up smiling and her eyes meet mine, "Olivia, you came!" She yells over the crowd, only some people look, but soon enough they look away.

The guy that just took the shot out of her breast lost his smirk and he stares at me now almost stunned. I break his gaze and smile at Natalie.

"Yeah. There are so many people." I tell her as she jumps down from the kitchen island, making her breast bounce.

She smiles as she wraps her arm around the guy's waist, "Yeah, almost everyone who was at the game." She walks a little closer and for a moment I meet the guy's serious stare again and I notice his eyes are blue. "In these types of parties, just help yourself to anything you want to drink. Have fun!"

I nod and look back up at the guy who I notice now is also very tall and also seems familiar. I can't help but wish I was Natalie at the moment.

Penelope tugs on my hand, "We're going to get something to drink."

Natalie smiles and walks away with the tall beautiful blue-eyed guy.

Penelope turns me around, "You pretty much eye raped the guy in front of her."

I frown, "I didn't mean to. He's just really good-looking."

A slow smile forms on her lips, "I don't think she cared, and yeah he was really good-looking."

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