"We all do." She said.

"Can't you give him a second chance?" I asked.

"It's too late." She said. "It's been years and I don't know if he have a significant other now."

"He doesn't." I said. "He still loves you a lot. He talks about you a lot."

"Does he?" She asked surprised.

"I know he made mistakes, but please think about it." I said.

She nodded her head and we both smiled.

Mom entered the room with the small boy from before beside her and a couple.

The boy shyly walked towards me. His eyes wide and his face was flushed. He shyly walked towards me with a bouquet of flower in his little hands.

"Theo wanted to say thank you to you." The mom said as Theo handed me the flowers and hid behind his mother. I smiled and waved at him. He give me a shy smile.

"We should have kept an eye on him." The dad said. "We're so sorry."

"I wouldn't want anything happening to him." I said and asked for a fist bump which he did, excitedly.

"My name is Emily, what's yours?" I asked.

"Theo." He said coming forward.

"How old are you?"

"Four." He showed me four fingers and I smiled.

"Is he okay?" I asked his parents.

"We're watching him closely." The woman said.

I nodded my head.

"Thank you once again." The man said to me and I give them a smile.

I guess..I kind of understand how Troy must have felt that time, while saving my life. You don't expect anything in return. All you wanted to do was to help someone and the feeling is nice.

Things have been crazy these few months, but I wouldn't complain about anything. It's like I'm seeing my version of rainbow after a storm and the rainbow looks beautiful.

I see my parents talking to Grayson and Celina. They seemed happy, talking and laughing. It almost seemed like they never separated. Everett was sitting beside me and holding my hand and telling me about his plans of making up to me and honestly. I didn't really cared what we'll be doing. I just want us to spend sometime together.

"I love you, Em." He said to me and I smiled.

"I love you, Everett and this time I can say I love you more." I grinned.

I don't know who needs to hear this or who wanted to hear this. All I want to say is please don't be too harsh on yourself. There are times when we wished things could have went differently or you could have did things differently.

I want to remind you, life is not picture perfect. We're not suppose to be perfect. We have flaws, we make mistakes and we learn from it. Don't try too hard to be someone who you are not. Don't let your diamond's light dim, all because you wanted to fit in. Just like how a diamond have a unique way of reflecting the light with the inside sparkling with brilliance and the outside reflecting rainbows. You're unique, You're not suppose to fit in, but you are suppose to stick out. After-all, you're different.

Everyone is different and beautiful. You're so beautiful and you're perfect as you are and maybe you don't believe me, but one day I hope you will realize how incredibly beautiful and special the way you are. Please be kind to yourself and to other. You're loved.

With Love,

Author's Note: And with this, I want to announce that the book has come to an end and it has been finally marked as completed. Thank you to each and everyone of you who supported me from the beginning or later in this book. Thank you for those beautiful comments and for your support. You guys are really incredible❤️ I hope to see you in my other books 😄 love you guys so much ❤️

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