Captain America and the Winter Soldier (Hey Why Mess With a Good Title?)

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"How about we get you home and you can tell your parents that you were able to meet an alien from Star Wars? But you can't tell them where you met me, I'm here on an important mission."

"Are you part of the rebels?" He asked me, his voice still shaking a little, but his fear was melting away.

I could feel him getting very excited.

"Yes, so you see why you can't say more than you have met me? If the empire knew they'd track me and my friends which would be disastrous. I'd be put back to slavery, like many of my people have been and my allies would be imprisoned. You understand why I can't have that. If you come with me now and swiftly, I promise you shall not be harmed."

After agreeing to send away, in his own words, 'the scary men and women that want to kill' I was able to persuade the child to let me carry him close to his home. Whilst walking he told me he was not from around there either. His family had been on a road trip across the UK in an RV, and his parents had stopped in a greenfield a ways from the property we had set up headquarters. As the RV came into view, I put the child down who had until this point chatted my ears off. (Well not ears, Twi'leks do not have ears, more like hearing holes? Hearing organs of some sort, I don't know.) He kept on asking what planet I was from, were my parents still alive, how many star destroyers I have seen, and other Star Wars-related questions. When I put him down, I redid the wrap on my head hiding my lekku. From my pocket, I took out a veil to hide my blue-green face. He asked me why I did this.

"I can't let the empire know or find out that a teal twi'lek is on Earth. That would narrow things down for them and we can't have that," I explained. "In fact only tell your parents that I'm from Star Wars okay? It'll be our little secret."

I handed the child over to his parents who thanked me and apologized profusely. I told them no harm was done but they should to keep a close eye on their child during these dangerous times. I informed them that there was almost an accident because the security was so jumpy with current events. The family had been on their trip for so long and they only listened to their own music, that they had no idea about the battle of New York or Loki. Let's say it was a bit of a shock for them.

"Oh my!" the mother exclaimed. "Has anything happened in the UK? Has Loki...."

"No, but Lord Jefferson has been called to London due to the current events. This is his estate and some of my friends and family are house-sitting for him. It's safer here with the security so it's a good deal. There have been rumors that Loki has been moving around the UK and Europe. He was spotted up in Scotland near Loch Ness and then down at Tintagel Cornwall, then Spain. There's no telling what he's up to or where he's going. It's made the guards jump at every squirrel that scuttles in the bushes!"

"I should think so. To think who we thought was a myth is trying to rule our world. Dark times, well thank you for bringing our son back in one piece," the father said.

"It was no problem. We both like Star Wars and had a very interesting conversation on the subject. We even pretended that I was an alien working with the rebel alliance," I winked at the boy after I said this although he did not see it because of the veil.

They thanked me one more time and as I walked away, I heard them discussing cutting their trip short for safety reasons.

Do you know the downside of working from an estate? It is big, everything is so far away from everything else. I should not have to walk a mile from my room just so I can steal food from the kitchen! Okay, not a mile but it is still very hard to get to and I need my sausage rolls. It took about five minutes for me to get to the gate but luckily, I did not need to walk any further because my cousin was waiting for me there in a truck.

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