Chapter 58: Bulletwound

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Sakura's POV
I genuinely cried when Dan popped into the studio for one of my films. He literally took two days off to come and see me despite his hectic schedule.

'I realised that you and your brother weren't really in good shapes and knowing Emma she's probably out of her mind to really comfort you so.'

Never in my life had I felt so happy and relieved to see someone as this time.

'Do you mind me following you for my stay?'

'Of course not!' I replied.

So during my lunch break, we decided to go to a nearby cafe and talk about everything.

It's already been about a month and a bit since that night, and we barely spoke; I ask myself why I'm still staying with him. If I think about it, I did a similar thing with Edward. Every time at home there was a nervous tension between us, though we barely saw each other during the day anymore. I left earlier than usual and came back home later. Tom was home whenever I got back, but either I ignored him completely or had Catherine over.

Yes, even after that night he still had her over.

I hadn't slept in our bed; I was in my own.

I heard about Ed coming over while I was still at work and talked to Tom. I was grateful that he did that, but at the same time, it made Tom a bit mad which didn't really make the situation better. Ed wasn't his favourite person.

And surprise, I was getting stressed and worried again.

I didn't know what to do, I wasn't sure how I felt about this. About Tom.

Em wasn't necessarily a great help, either. She'd been frequently telling me to break up with Tom, but she didn't understand. She would also say rather violent things that didn't make me feel better at all. In fact, it made me feel worse.

So that's why I guess I spoke to Kosuke, Ed and Kat more. They tried to comfort me and calm my usual anxiety attacks, and suggest things that could make things better. And tell me to listen to him, but I was still heartbroken. Some part was mad at myself for that and telling me to just sit down with Tom and talk through everything.

The media was being so harsh about this too. I can't blame them, but I felt like he was Tom was being attacked by everyone and I felt terrible about it.

I told Dan this entire thing, from beginning to end and he looked slightly overwhelmed.

'So many emotions and everything going on at once for you hey.' He laughed weakly, which I joined him.

'You know me.' I shrugged.

'But I can't blame Tom for being annoyed about Edward.' He said, leaning back on his chair. 'I mean if it was another person, like Matt for instance, that's a whole another story. I think he'd accept it more easily.'

'That's what I thought.' I sighed, sipping my tea slowly. 'I appreciate what Ed did, but he's just not right person for Tom.'

'You're still seeing him, aren't you?'

'Well, not regularly. Like some people.' I rolled me eyes slightly. 'But yeah, I do. We talk on the phone quite a lot these days. Most of it being how to deal with my anxiety and stress and stuff - him being a psychologist and all. He's basically my mentor, I guess -'

Then a man with a camera pointed directly at us caught my eyes: paparazzi.

I pulled a silly face at him and Dan looked at me weirdly. Then he turned around, paused for a second and gave the pap a wave before turning back to me.

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