08 | Text messages

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Helen shook her head and chuckled a little. "Okay, you've proven your point. Now come back to the bed before you hurt yourself."

Betty shook her head. "I haven't proven my point if you still think I'm going to hurt myself." She turned back around as she heard Helen sigh. Betty took another step, having her other foot follow behind. After a few seconds Betty started walking faster, she felt good to finally be able to walk.

"Betty, slow down." Helen warned, walking towards Betty.

Betty started walking a little faster. Maybe it was the adrenaline from when she first started walking. She didn't know, but whatever it was, she loved the feeling and wanted desperately for it to never end.

Unfortunately, Betty's wish didn't come true. She started loosing control, she knew it was only seconds until she would collapse on the floor. She heard Helen gasp and run towards her―and not even a second later, her legs gave all the way out and she winced in pain when she hit the hard ground.

"Oh my gosh, Betty!" Helen kneeled down, grabbing Betty's side and rolling her over where her back was on the ground. "I told you to slow down." She stated as she shook her head in disappointment.

Betty sighed. "I know, I'm sorry." She put her elbows on the ground and sat her upper body up. "How come I'm not able to walk yet?" Betty asked, looking at Helen with her sad filled eyes. She saw the same familiar look on Helen's face she'd seen everybody give her. It was the same annoying sympathetic expression she was tired of seeing on everybody's face when they saw her.

"You haven't walked by yourself in two weeks Betty. Your legs just need to get used to walking again." Helen said, rubbing Betty's arm soothingly. "I think you need to stay here a few more days to get better, then I'll let you go home."

Betty looked down, it didn't seem that horrible. She didn't want to be stuck in a hospital but it was better than going home. She looked back up at Helen and nodded. "Okay."

Helen slightly smiled and grabbed Betty's arm to help her up. Betty leaned onto Helen for support and winced in pain when she put all of her pressure on her feet.

"Okay, okay, take it slow." Helen said, holding a firm grip on Betty's arms so she wouldn't fall down.

Once Betty got on the bed she immediately plopped down on the pillows. "Ugh, I never thought walking could be so hard."

Helen chuckled and adjusted the pillows that were underneath Betty's head. "It's not gonna take that long to get used to walking again, your legs are just giving out because they're weak." She walked back to the papers she was writing on before Betty woke up. She looked at the papers for a moment, scanning over everything that was on it. "So, if you don't have another mini heart attack, or whatever you want to call it, and you can walk by yourself by the end of the week, you can go home." Helen stated, looking back at Betty.

Betty nodded. She figured that would be enough time to build up enough confidence to face her mother and sister again. She knew she had to figure out what she was going to say to them, but she didn't want to think about it right now, she was too exhausted.

Helen must have seen Betty's eyes start to droop. She shook her head and chuckled. "You just woke up and you're already tired?"

Betty giggled and shut her eyes. "I don't know why, but I've been exhausted lately."

Helen sighed. "Okay, get some rest. I'll just work on the rest of your papers." She said as she sat down on the chair in front of the desk filled with paperwork.

Betty turned to her side and relaxed into the surprisingly soft pillows underneath her. Few moments later, she was out like a light.


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