"M-mommy?" Taehyun asked a little timidly.

I turned to look at him before gasping. His body has little red spots all over as he itched them.

"Mark! He's having an allergic reaction!" I said panicking as I picked up Taehyun immediately.

Mark looked up from the cabinet before standing up quickly. He took out out of my arms before running out the door. I followed him and locked the door using the lock button on the pin pad.

We ran through the gate with me locking it so no one could get in our yard. Mark continued running while holding Taehyun in his arms.

The nearest hospital happened to be down the street near SM because this was a popular street.

I caught up with Mark when he was in the lobby room. A nurse saw Taehyun with red, itchy spots all over him.

We followed her and she hit a button on the wall and a doctor came in. "What happened?" The doctor asked.

"He's having an allergic reaction. We didn't know he was allergic to avocados." Mark said since I was crying in his arms now.

"We'll hold him here for a little bit to see if it gets worse. If it does, push epinephrine immediately." The doctor said to the nurse who found an epinephrine pen.

She nodded before moving him to a patient room. Taehyun was just looking around the room curiously.

"It's okay. It didn't look like he was going into a severe reaction. He was just itching and not having trouble breathing." The doctor said when he saw me crying really hard.

A million of thoughts were running through my mind as we ran here. What if it would develop into a severe reaction? What if he stopped breathing?

"It's okay. I'll calm her down, doctor." Mark said which made the doctor move onto his other patients.

"If he gets worse, press this button on the remote above the bed. It signals for a nurse to speak through. Tell us what happened and we will come in." The nurse instructed us before leaving the room.

"Seomin, look. Look at Taehyun." Mark said as his hands rubbed my arm. My own arms were wrapped around his waist.

I tried to calm down which reduced to a sniffle and me breathing unsteadily as sobs tried to escape. I took a peek at Taehyun to see him just sitting on the bed while looking at his spots and itching a few of them.

"He's fine. A little like polka dots, but that's fine!" Mark said. "I don't think it's a severe reaction. It's probably mild."

"I thought he was going to stop breathing!" I said, clearly really upset.

Mark placed a kiss on my forehead before giving me a proper hug. "I know. I know. It's a genuine concern, but he's okay."

"Mommy?" Taehyun asked.

I pulled away from Mark and wiped my tears before facing Taehyun. "Yes, Taehyunie? Mommy's listening." I said.

"What's this?" He asked me as he pointed at his itchy spots before looking back at me. "Why mommy sad?"

I sat down at the edge of his bed and placed his hand in my hand. "This," I said as I pointed at a spot before sniffling.

"This is a allergic reaction. It means your body didn't like something you ate and it says 'no no, Taehyunie. Don't eat that!'. You ate the avocado. The green stuff with the chips, remember?" I asked him while making voices for him to understand.

He nodded.

"So you can't eat it anymore, okay? Never ever. If you do, maybe you'll stop breathing." I said as I took a obvious breath and held it in to show him.

Lowkey - Mark Lee NCT AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now