Golden (Sadie X Female Reader)

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Requested by: Elementalstar20164. I'm sorry it's a bit late but I hope you like this!

Trigger warning: implied rape 

I hope I get found soon; it's been two days or more. At least I've been passed out for most of it.

It's lucky the camp you're being taken to is a while away. But it can't be much farther.

Someone will come soon. I'm sure of it.


"Alright little lady, we've arrived." one O'Driscoll says.

Your heart sinks as dread courses through your veins. Please find me.

You know what O'Driscolls do to women. Sadie never really told anyone specifically, but everyone knows anyway. She just said they took everything from her.

The O'Driscoll roughly lifts you off the horse and tosses you over his shoulder. You can't fight. Your hands and feet are tied. You know it's no good. You close your eyes and cry out in your mind for someone to come. Help me, anyone, please...


You've blocked out the past two days since you arrived at this camp. Being alone has left a lot of time to think, though. So you've been thinking about anything and everything else apart from the past two days. They've been endless. But you know that dwelling on them will do nothing apart from hurt more. You're jittery enough here as is. You know your time is running out. You maybe have five days at most before Colm orders for them to kill you.

So you think about camp and the people in it.

Mostly Sadie.

It's only because she's been through this too.

Except you know that's not true.

It was in Colter when you first met her, not that she spoke to you. You comforted her as her sobs pierced the icy air. You told her it would be okay, she only cried as a response. It hurt you to see her like that.

You moved into Horseshoe Overlook. She still cried. Usually Abigail comforted her. One day, Abigail wasn't there. So you comforted her instead. The conversation is still in your mind, clear as day.

"It'll be okay," you murmured.

"It won't ever be," her voice broke as she said it.

"It just takes time, Sadie."

"I wish they would have killed me too," Sadie said. "I wish it every damn day."

You put a hand on her shoulder. "I know, I know, Sadie."

"You know... if I had any courage, if I wasn't so damn weak..." she gulped back a sob "I'd kill myself too."

That sentence still hurts your heart, even thinking about it over a month later. Just the thought of losing her...

"We both know that ain't true. We both know the bravery is in the living," you said. "You're brave, Sadie. I haven't known you for long, but you really are brave."

"I don't seem very brave," she said dejectedly.

"You're the bravest woman I've ever met."

You remember wanting to add something onto the end. And the most beautiful. But you didn't.

Instead, you said "That means you've got the courage. The courage to live."

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