BIG UPDATE! (also on my announcements)

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Hey, everyone! I hope you're all doing okay :D

It's been an absurdly long time, but I'm finally ready to come back to this account. HOWEVER: I have no idea if I can continue my RDR2 book, because I've gotten so burnt out of RDR2 (which is why I stopped), hopped fandoms a couple of times (Star Wars and Dead By Daylight) and am currently into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Yes, I know there's no rhyme nor reason to this, but that fandom swap brings me to my main point: I'm in the process of writing a jjba fic, and will be posting it in January/February. It's already more than 115k, so... it's huge, and is less than halfway done, which is ABSURD.

My novel, on the other hand, is 81k, and on its second version, and I'm now doing another round of edits, which is exciting (to me, anyway..!). It's a supernatural adventure/mystery that I came up with last September. So, maybe, at some point, I'll have updates on that. Who knows?

I haven't come back for so long because I genuinely didn't know how to put my apology/comeback letter, because I know I still have requests to do, but I'm so burnt out of RDR2 that it's kind of just... not going to happen yet. So to those I owe requests, I'm sorry. I won't do them now because I know they'll be absolutely awful since I haven't written the characters since I ended the oneshot book. I know it's been a long time and I shouldn't have just left without a word like that, so I am sorry about it.

I think I'll try to be a little more active now I'm writing for fun again, posting dumb, different-fandom things, and just taking things a little less seriously, maybe? I don't know, but I wanted to post, because I feel like the time has come. Here's to a more active future :D


PS: sorry for double-posting this. I just wanted to keep *everyone* filled in on this :))

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