Dean sent her a concerning look when he realized that he must've exerted too much force on her. He didn't mean to make her cry. He felt guilty when her sobbing sound echoed the room. Apart from he wanted to ask if she was okay while another part of him wanted to apologize. Swallowing hard in hesitation, Dean asked her in a low tone of voice, "Are you okay?"

Giselle wiped her tears away with the back of her hands and then shot him a deadly glare. "Do I look like I am okay, you idiot?" Her heart raced as she tried to speak clearly. "How do you think I feel that I have to take care of someone, who kidnaped and raped me? I am scared. I am afraid that you would hurt me again. I am not trying to get myself to get raped for the second time. I wouldn't be here if it is not for my duty."

Hearing her words, Dean felt wrong. While staring at her teary eyes, he recalled all of the actions that he did to her. Everything he had done was to just get back at his mother. Now, it seemed useless. He felt confused. He didn't know whether to continue on his plan to try to hurt Richard Chu or to stop. Things started to get a bit messy. He didn't expect that it would end up like this. All he wanted was to hurt his mother's lover, but now it felt like he was hurting himself even more.

Dean raised his left hand up and placed it over his chest to feel his own heartbeat. They were pounding hard against his hand. He didn't know why. Who could explain to him what that feeling was? While they made him felt like there were butterflies in his stomach, they were also hurting him. What did he want? Did he want revenge or did he want a girl in front of him? Why did seeing her cry in front of him make him feel like he was getting cuts inside? What should he do? Everything became a puzzle inside of his head. They seemed to be overlap. There was nothing clear that could help him to decide for his next step.

While seeing Dean was holding onto his chest, Giselle thought his wound was hurting him. Wiping her tears away again, she asked, "Is it painful? Let me take a look."

Meanwhile, she was reaching her hands out, Dean's voice caused her to pause. "Get out." When she didn't leave as he demanded, he stood up abruptly and then dragged her by her arm to the door with full strength.

"Stop-" Giselle said, but Dean had already pushed her out of the room.

After slamming the door shut, he locked it quickly. When he came back to sit on the sofa, in front of the coffee table, he stared blankly at the warm porridge.

What is wrong with me? I feel like I am going crazy. Who told her to come to serve me anyway? It is not my fault, is it? She said she was scared. So what? I kidnapped her and I raped her. Does that make me an animal in her eyes?

Dean shoved his hair in frustration as he heaved out a loud sigh.

I do what I want. She was the one trying to hurt me first. It was not my fault. It's not a big deal either if she just thinks of it as one nightstand. How is that even scary? It's not like I raised the gun to point at her head or anything. I mean, I did, but she didn't mention that.

If I was the reason to cause her trauma then it would be better for her to stay away from me. It's not like we have anything more than just one nightstand. What I need to do now is to think of my next step. I have to get out of the hospital as soon as I can.

Dean shook his head slightly before he grabbed a spoon and began to eat.

The following day, Dean took his phone and called for Ivan and Leo. None of them picked up his call. Sighing out loud in frustration, he tossed his phone back into the drawer. Turning around, he started to make his way out of the room. Realizing that his floor level was quiet, he decided to take an elevator to the lobby floor so that he could take a quick walk to refresh himself a bit.

As soon as the elevator door slid open, Dean decided to go up to the receptionist. "May I ask where the ATM is?" The receptionist girl looked up with surprise. A smile appeared on her lips quickly when she saw Dean. She answered him shyly with her sparkling eyes. Dean furrowed his brows in annoyance at her reaction before he left her without saying thank you.

After he withdrew three thousand dollars in cash, Dean shoved it into his pants' pocket. All of a sudden, he heard a giggling sound of Giselle. Without hesitation, he began to walk towards the direction of where the sound was coming from. He paused in his step when he saw her was helping a man, with a broken leg, walk. Dean recalled quickly that the man in her arms was no other than the bastard from the night club.

Just a few kicks and that weak dickhead acted as if he got in a car accident. I shouldn't have sent him to the hospital. What is so funny that they laugh nonstop? They're so annoying. Why is she with him? I was the one who got shot. How come she didn't treat me like that? All he got was a broken leg, yet he acted like his whole body got run over by a truck. So fucking annoying.

Dean shrugged his shoulder in frustration when they didn't stop laughing. He bit his teeth angrily before he decided to make his way towards their direction. As he approached them from behind, Dean bumped his left shoulder forcefully against Vincent on purpose.

As Vincent was about to lose balance, Giselle wrapped her arm tighter around his waist. "Excuse me, sir. You should at least apologize." She demanded while her gaze was sharply stared at Dean's back.

Vincent tapped her shoulder to calm her down and said softly, "It's okay. He's just a patient."

Hearing what Vincent had said, Dean paused in his step. Being a patient was okay, but Dean felt like he just got called a weakling by that weak dickhead. Gritting his teeth, he turned around to glare deadly at Vincent. "So what? You got a problem?" Dean asked in a rude manner.

Giselle's eyes got widened in shock when she realized who it was. Vincent replied quickly when he recalled that familiar face, "It's you again? Why won't you leave us alone? Was last time not enough?"

"Vincent, don't." She said softly.

Dean narrowed his eyes when he noticed Giselle's arm was wrapped tightly around another guy's waist. Shifting his sharp gaze back up to meet hers, he closed his left hand into a fist. In his eyes, he felt sick whenever he saw her with this bastard. Out of everyone, she had to be close with this annoying bastard. Judging through their actions, Dean felt like they were more than just friends. What type of friend would risk their life to just saved someone else that doesn't even relate to them? Wasn't that ridiculous? When she was having physical contact with other people, she seemed to not have any big deal with it. How come she acted as if it was a big deal for that one nightstand of him and her? If she could have physical contact with others, then why can't she have it with him too? He stayed quiet for a few seconds before he turned to leave.

On the way back to his room, Dean questioned himself multiple times when the image of Giselle and that bastard wouldn't go away.

What does that bastard have that I don't? I am the one who got shot and almost died, but why does she care about him more than me? Why does everyone in my life always forget about me? I am also a human. My scars and my injuries are also painful. How come no one acknowledged that? Fuck them. Fuck everyone. At the end of the day, she's no different than the rest of the people in my life. They come and they leave. I am a fool to think that she would be the one to stay. When can I stop being stupid? I am really crazy. It was all just because of one girl. And, why do I care who she's with? Why do I care if she cares? It should be a good thing that she showed her true color now. From now on, I shouldn't be blind by her fake kindness. Overall, she's the daughter of the bastard, Richard Chu. Maybe that is what she meant when she said 'duty'.


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