chapter ten

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authors note before this begins!
i'm sorry for the slow updates. it's really hard to stay inspired. right now i'm at a low point in my life. please forgive me as i try to update :)



namjoon shot up at the sound of jimin's older brother coming down the stairs.

he looked behind him to see a bunch of sleeping boys and an extra sleeping... well, whatever he was.

"frick." joon muttered under his breath as he tried to muster up a plan to explain v.

"uhhh, don't come down here hyung! i'm changing!" he yelled and heard the older instantly stop in his tracks and turn.

"oh, okay! just checking on you. breakfast in 20." he announced and went upstairs.

namjoon exhaled a sigh of relief. what would the boys do without him?

now awake, namjoon found himself troubled.

why the heck did they bring a random boy the found in the woods home? and WHY did they let him sleep over? and WHY were him and jimin cuddling?

he buried his face in his hands.

it's not like he could leave him out there, that's inhumane!

he shook his head, dismissing the thoughts and looked over at the mysterious boy.

him and jimin were closely cuddled together, deep in sleep. he looked so comfortable, you could tell he hadn't slept like this in a while.

he sighed and let a grin grow on his face, knowing he did the right thing.

he got up and started shaking the others awake so they could eat breakfast.

"wake up jin hyung! up yoongi hyung!" he blew on their faces and ears while shaking them gently as they gained conciseness.

jin was very lovey-dovey in the morning. when he was woken up nicely. "good morning namjoonie!" he smiled a sleepy smile and wrapped his arms around namjoon's neck and booped his nose.

namjoon smiled as jin let go and stood up.

yoongi, on the other hand, was not the same.

"STEP OFF BIATCH IM UP." yoongi growled and rolled over. namjoon rolled his eyes. another unsuccessful attempt to wake up yoongi without jimin.

"whatever! i'm coming back for you, though." namjoon said as he got up and walked over to hobi.

hobi was pretty fun to wake up, actually.

namjoon smiled as he started to poke hobi and slowly increased pokes and speed, watching as the younger giggled in his sleep, slowly waking up and laughing harder.

"g-good m-morn-morning namjoon hyung!" he said in between giggles.

"good morning sunshine!" the older responded, ruffling hobi's hair.

next was jimin.

"jimin! jimin!" joon repeated while squishing the boy's cheeks. "help me wake up yoongi hyung pleaseeeee??" he whined until jimin got up.

"okay, okay hyung!" he rubbed his eyes and stood up. he walked over to yoongi and blew on his eyes and ears, shaking him softly, just like namjoon was earlier.

however this time, when he rolled over, prepared to cuss namjoon out, his eyes softened as jimin smiled. "good morning hyung!"

"good morning jiminie!" yoongi hooped up.

namjoon eyed v. he wondered what his wake up recipe was. he went over to him, and tried blowing on him, but he started crying?

"please, turn the heat back on! please! i'll be better!" he cried in his sleep, curling himself in a ball, shivering.

all the boys had their eyes on v, concerned.

"it's just me, v. i'm sorry." namjoon said, trying to shake him awake.

his eyes fluttered open, and his eyes were wet with tears. he wiped them quickly when he realized that people were watching him.

"i'm sorry." he whispered, flustered.

"it's okay. what happened?" jimin sat on the couch with him and rubbed his back.

he looked at everyone again, before explaining himself hesitantly. "when i was in the la—i mean the place i was, if i didn't cooperate with the bad guys, they would turn off the heat or turn on the heat, depending on the weather, to make me miserable. i cried every time it happened." he mumbled.

everyone's heart leapt out to the boy with the tattoo, they all watched the boy try to compose himself.

"but i'll be okay." he told them.

jin stepped forward.

"you don't have to force yourself to feel 'okay.' it's okay to feel sad, but remember that you're important, and all of us are here for you." he told the younger and enveloped him in a hug. "it will be okay. but not because either of us said it, but because that's the way everything works. it sucks now, but it can't suck forever. it has to give up at some point.

i'm so sorry that happened to you, but i promise you, however uncooperative you decide to be with us, you will never relive that."

v blinked and smiled at the oldest. a genuine smile.

"now let's go eat breakfast!" everyone turned to the deep voice coming from behind them. it was hyunwoo!

"hyung, i can explain-" jimin started.

"no! don't worry! it's okay!" hyunwoo cut his younger brother off. "i made a lot of breakfast, so let's eat before it gets cold!"

everyone started going upstairs, but hyunwoo held jimin back and waited for everyone to leave.

"hyung-" hyunwoo put his finger over jimin's lips.

"it's okay. you should've told me you made a new friend!" the older smiled.

jimins face contorted into a confused one. "aren't you curious about him?"

"i was down here for a while."

all life sucked out of jimin.

"i can't believe he was abused. he seems like such a good kid! not that you should ever abuse anyone." hyunwoo sighed.

"what?-" jimin started, but then realized hyunwoo got the wrong idea, but that was protecting him right now. "you're so stealthy! i didn't even notice you were here!"

"i know right!" hyunwoo's mind was on something new, so he completely forgot what he was just talking about. "anyways, let's go eat!"

thank you so much for being patient and waiting on me! ily all 🥺

stay safe wherever you are, and please sign petitions and donate if possible! love u <3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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