chapter eight

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"what the crap hobi?" namjoon came up behind hobi. "what are you doing? you do realize he's probably so scared right now. it's cold, he's alone, and he's in a dress. let's take him home." he said as he took the boy's hand and led him back to the road, where they walked back to jimin's house.

"jimin! that you?" jimins older brother, hyunwoo, yelled from upstairs.

jimin sighed before yelling back. "who else would it be?" since jimin's parents were out of the country, hyunwoo and jimin were the only people in the house, unless their friends were over.

they all went downstairs the way they usually do, since hyunwoo wouldn't notice that there was an extra.

jimin closed the door softly and went down the stairs last. namjoon had already situated the strange boy on the couch.

"why were you out there alone? at this time? were you in the rain?" namjoon asked the boy they had found in the woods, who was wearing a damp hospital gown.

he paused, waiting for the boy to speak.

"he's deaf." yoongi mumbled somewhere behind namjoon. namjoon rolled his eyes.

"oh shut up, yoongi. he's probably scared. we just pulled this random child out of the woods, you know." the eldest, jin spoke.

"is he going to replace jungkook?" jimin whimpered.

"no. no one is replacing anyone." namjoon spoke up. "we're still going to look for kookie, we're just helping—what's your name?"

the frail-looking boy slowly reached down and pulled up his pant leg, revealing a 'V.'

"v? why does he have a v tattooed to his leg?" hobi pointed to the permanent ink on the strange boy's ankle.

"v..." namjoon thought. "like the roman numeral."

"or like a letter of the alphabet." jin interrupted.

"jin, i love you, but shut up." namjoon snapped and went back to thinking.

jin held up his arms in defense. "just trying to contribute to something here."

"his legs and arms have no hair on them, like he's well groomed. i mean, for a girl it would be considered well groomed. for a boy it's... odd." he thought aloud.

"true, so why is he so clean-shaven?" yoongi asked.

"isn't that a little weird?" jimin added.

"it has to be an adult or a mindset that he has to be clean." joon rubbed his lower lip in concentration. "but who has the mindset to shave everything but your hair?"

"they do."

everyone turned to the silent boy, who slowly looked up from his feet and met the eyes of the blonde 17-year old in front of him.

"and they're after me."

they all looked at v in shock before looking at each other, exchanging glances that said "he can speak???"

jin cleared his throat and bent over to be eye level with the boy in front of him. "who's they?"

v shook his head. "some morons. don't wanna talk about them. i'm hungry."

jin blinked. who was this guy? what was he doing? who was he hiding from? "listen v, we can't help you unless you tell us what's happening. and if you don't, we'll just tell the police—"

the boys hand instantly went over jin's mouth.

"why are you saying that word!"

jin removed v's hand and dropped it. "i said po-"

v's hand flew right back up.

the boys again exchanged strange looks.

"what's wrong with that word, v?" namjoon questioned.

v shrugged. "i don't know. but i can't say it. neither can anyone else."

"do you know what it means?"

v's eyebrows drew together. "no? do you?"

the room was silent as they all just sat there in awe. how could a boy that looked their age not know what law enforcement was?

where was this boy from?

hello lovelies!!! feel free to shoot me at this point i've been inactive for so long 😭😭😭 i'm back though!!!!! THIS TIME I THINK I MEAN IT!!


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