chapter one

275 13 13

1983, hawkins indiana

"dr. min? v is refusing to cooperate with us. we need him to work with us here, or else we'll never know what—" a little nurse approached the head scientist.

"my god susie, do i have to do everything?" the man rubbed his temples and sighed.

"he listens to you, doc. you remind him of himself." the nurse, susie, followed him as he swiftly walked down a long hallway, leading to v.


susie sighed. "i'm not going to say yes but the answer is not no."

"exactly." he turned to look her in the eyes before coming upon the room that kept v.

dr.min's calloused hand wrapped itself around the doorknob and he lifted his other hand to rap softly on the metal door. "v?"

the knob began turning on its own, without the doctor putting any force on it, and slowly creaked open to reveal a 15-year old boy, sitting on the floor in a blue and white plaid hospital gown. the boy's hair was a chocolate brown and grew over his eyebrows.

the boy's dark eyes refused to meet dr.min's or nurse susie's as he sat with his legs crossed and an old teddy bear of his floated in the air.

"v, you have to do more than that for us." the doctor rubbed his eyes, exhasperated.

"i don't want to." v's deep voice sliced through the sterile air of the facility.

"you have to." dr.min spoke in their mother tongue, korean.

"i already said i don't want to!" he yelled in the same language and willed the door closed.

doctor min pounded on the door. "open up this door right now!"

"i don't want to!" v whined from the inside.

"i swear to god, we do not have enough patience for you to act like a stubborn teenager!" he yelled.


"you'll lose your teddy."


the door swung open.

"i'll do it." v muttered solemnly.

"oh my god jungkook, you passed jin's high score!" hobi cheered as jungkook finished his game and the scoreboard flashed on the screen.

"what? how?" jin came stomping over from another part of the arcade, overhearing hobi's enthusiasm.

"you just got beat, brotha." jimin joked.

"it's hyung to you. just because we're not in korea doesn't mean you shouldn't call me by my proper terms, brotha." jin snapped and jimin turned red.

jimin felt someone lean into his ear. "he's just mad because the maknae is better than him at mario bros."

jin crosses his arms and pouted. "he only won because i haven't had enough time to master it. it only came out this year, you know."

hobi rolled his eyes and patted jin's shoulder. "it's okay to lose sometimes. you cant win them all."

jimin shrugged and turned to jin. "i'm hungry, jin hyung."

"i'll pay for your nachos." jin rolled his eyes as jimin cheered.

jungkook watched with love at jin and jimin, who were walking up to the food stand in the arcade. to namjoon, who counting his quarters and trying to find out how many more games he could play before he went broke. to yoongi and hoseok, who were playing some kind of wrestling game.

he walked up to namjoon and stood next to him. "hyung, i don't know what life would be without you."

namjoon looked at him with a loving smile. "me neither. it's a good thing we'll never part, right?"

"right." jungkook grinned.


thank you for reading the first chapter of this book!
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