Find A Way To Say You Saw Me

Start from the beginning

     We got in the car and started to make our way to the Mexican restaurant where I had eaten with them the day we met. "Do you guys mind if I invite Steph?" Tony asked pulling out his phone to text her. I loved the way he asked, but didn't wait for an answer.

     "Yeah. Why not?" Vic said stopping at a red light.

     "I'm inviting Frenchi then," Mike announced. Frenchi was Mike's girlfriend. I wasn't exactly sure why everyone called her Frenchi. For her sake, I hoped it was just nickname. She could be kind of bitchy sometimes, but for the most part, she was nice. And Mike loved her and she loved him. That was all that mattered in my book.

     "And this is why I need a girlfriend," Vic muttered. He had been single ever since I started hanging out with them and had pretty bad experiences with girls in the past. I needed to find him a girlfriend. It had become my mission ever since he told me about Cara. I personally thought him and Jess would be a good couple, but I hadn't figured out a way to get them together.

     "You'll find someone eventually, Vic," Tony reassured him. Vic just sighed. I could tell it pissed him off that he didn't have anyone and being the oldest (he was almost 30), I knew he thought it was becoming hopeless. But, Vic was a great guy and I knew there was girl out there for him.

     When we go there, Stephanie's car was already in the parking lot. Vic parked the car and we got out. When Tony saw Stephanie, he ran up to her, wrapped his arms around her waist, planted a kiss on her cheek. Vic groaned. I laughed and patted him on the back. Sometimes I felt really bad when we all went together and Vic was only one alone.

     Tony slipped his arm around Stephanie's shoulder and we walked in. Stephanie was really pretty. She had long straight blonde hair and brown eyes. Her hair was dyed, but she was still pretty. She had a piercing under her lip and a few tattoos here and there. We got a seat for 7 and opened our menus. A few seconds later Frenchi walked in, smiled at the hostess and walked over to us.

     "Hey everyone" she greeted. She took a seat next to Mike who kissed her on the cheek. Frenchi had long straight brown hair and brown eyes. She looked like one of those snobby cheerleader type, but usually didn't have that attitude. The way Mike looked at her, you could tell he loved her more than anything.

     "Hey," we responded. We ordered and immediately the random conversations started.

     Just then, Jess walked through the door. I saw her and waved. She smiled and walked over. She pushed some of her wavy brown hair that was usually combed over to one side out of her face. "Hey Alex," she said.

     "Hey. What are you doing here?" I questioned looking up at her from my seat.

     "Eating," she responded, saying it as if to say "duh!".

       "Well, I know that. I just didn't know you ate here," I told her in my defense.

     "Well, I do," she told me. She smiled to tell me that she wasn't trying to be mean.

     "You wanna join us?" I asked. I knew the guys wouldn't mid and this would help me get her and Vic together.

     "Yeah, sure. Beats eating alone," she said Jess was super talkative, so imagining her eating alone was an interesting thought. She would probably start talking to herself.

     She pulled up a chair and a waiter handed her a menu.

     "Guys," I announced trying to get everyone's attention. When I had all 6 sets of eyes, I said,"This is Jess. She works with me. Jess this is Jaime, Vic, Mike, Frenchi, Tony, and Stephanie."

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