Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The streets were busier then on Wednesday when we met here for the first time. Then again the festival was on so people would begin to crowd around. Mazuko stayed close to my side so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd.

The cafe was a quick find and I slightly rushed to get inside. I walked to the counter and ordered 3 pieces of their chocolate and vanilla marbled pound cake.

I took the brown bag smiling before I made my way over to where I spotted the red spiked hair. I leaned over to hug Hamiko as she handed me her coffee.

"It's a new order I've been getting." I took a sip before handing it back to her.

"Triple-triple with a shot of vanilla and caramel." I told her and she nodded.

"How did you know that?" I looked at Tendō with a smirk.

"I drink enough coffee to know how to separate different tastes." I took Hamiko's coffee back taking another sip.

"Also, my grandparents are both professional chefs, they own their own place. I might have to take you guys there one day?" He nodded and I opened the paper bag and began eating the ying-yang cake.

I picked a piece off and began eating it.

"So what's the plan? Are we staying in pairs or as a group?" Hamiko knew what I ment.

"We're staying as a group unless someone needs to separate from the group then we go in pairs." I nodded and picked a another piece and gave it to Mazuko.

"You look nice by the way Kari." I smiled at Hamiko and I turned to the boys.

Tendō was wearing dark denim jeans with a white shirt that peaked out from his black slightly unzipped sweater.

Ushijima was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that slightly hung loose on his shoulders and a pair of light washed jeans.

"I thought it would be a nice reason to get dressed up. But, I guess I over dressed." Hamiko laughed before standing up.

She had a full length navy dress on that hugged her body and the sleeves looked much like those on a kimono.

"I thought it would be nice too." I smiled feeling better about my outfit choice.

I looked down at my watch before I stood up.

"Should we be heading out now?" Hamiko stood up grabbing her coffee.

"Noon already?" I nodded and the boys stood up, Tendō quicker than Ushijima.

   I smile in wonder

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I smile in wonder. I couldn't believe I was at a festival for the first time since I was 8. The boys walked behind Hamiko and I as we pointed different things out to each other.

"Guys look, there's a volleyball charm." I held the small plastic replica of a volleyball up showing the boys and Hamiko.

"Isn't it cute?" I grabbed four and payed the vender the cash.

I handed one to each of them with a smile.

"Now we have matching charms!" They laughed at me well I had a wide smile on my face.

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