Chapter One

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Hikari= He-car-re
Kari= car-E

The stinging of my forearms drives me over the edge. The sting that's left when the ball hits them. Volleyball was like oxygen for me. Key word, was. In my last year of middle school playing for the girls volleyball team I was an Ace but I landed wrong on my right leg one game. My leg broke and I shattered my kneecap.

I was put on the sidelines left to wallow in my own self pity. The team knew I hated pity and being looked down on. Everyone was surprised our first game. Not many people expect someone who's 4'11 to be playing as Ace. It wasn't normal but my jump wasn't either.

But it was my dream to surpass the expectations of volleyball. But my dreams were quickly crushed when the doctor said I couldn't play volleyball for a little over 3 years. That means I wouldn't be able to play till I was in my first or second year of high school. I was depressed and angry. My dad was worried he had only seen me like this on two occasions.

The first time was when my Mom passed away when I was 10. The second time was when I lost to my dad in our games of volleyball. Grandpa always teased me and my cousin when we fought over who was better. Even in my wheelchair or crutches I alway tried to size him up. Even if he was 6'0 and I was 4'11.

I was like a god damn child with my height and my voice didn't help either. People constantly game me candy, not that I was complaining. My cousin was the manager of Sakanoshita Corner Store. I spent most of my time there well I was stuck in my cast. When my first year came around I was out of my cast but I still had to be extremely careful.

My dad was extremely nervous and he put me in online schooling. My second year came and I was finally aloud to go to the school.

"Hey short stack grab your jacket school starts in 15 minutes!" Keishin yelled at me from his spot at the counter. I threw my apron at him grabbing my cropped down boys jacket. I liked the males jacket better then the females. I still wore the skirt.

The blazer just didn't look right on me but the males did so I made do with it. I throw it over my black noodle strap undershirt. I fix my stockings and changed out of my runners and pulled on my black combats. I kiss Keishin's cheek as he handed me my bag before running out the door. I continued to run to the school panting as I forced my body to get back into my athletic ways.

When I got to school I leaned up against my friend Sugawaga. His naturally platinum hair still managed to shine in the dim light. "You still amaze me Hikari!" I stretch laughing stopping to rub my now sore knee. "Didn't your doctor tell you to take it easy!"

Suga yelled as he began to panic showing it as he waved his hands around. "I'm fine Suga just a little sore and plus he said I need to work my knee back into its original strength if I want to play volleyball again!" I tried to convince him it was fine but Suga only seemed to panic more. "Kari I don't think he ment to run to school everyday!" I rubbed the back of my head as I think about how he was probably right.

There are Many Ways to Win (HAIKYUU!)//discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now