Having made up his mind, Shen Yu left the restaurant to find a nearby inn to rest for the night. He felt very tired, but at the same time he was still worried about his family.

Days went by quickly. Today was the day that registration opened.

Shen Yu spent all his days inside the inn without going out in fear that he might encounter people from the Wind sect. He only came out when it was the registration day of the Sky sect.

Even though his cultivation level isn't as high as his brother, Shen Yu believes that as long as he works hard, he might still have a chance to enter the Sky sect.

Despite his thought, Shen Yu was still worried about his current look because he was afraid that they might use his look against him, preventing him from entering the sect.

Whatever it is, Shen Yu has to give it a try since the Sky sect is the safest place for him to hide from his family.

Shen Yu wakes up early to go register. He heard that there is a limit to registration.

Once he reached the place, there was already a long line. Among the long line, he was around 50-60 places.

Getting in the line, Shen Yu can see two disciples from the Sky sect wearing white robes writing down the names of the participants.

In order to pass and get into the Sky sect, every participant has to pass three requirements. The first part would be making it into the registration place and securing a spot. Only the first 500 people who are below the age of 20 are allowed to enter their name. The second part of the test would be going on an illusion test. Finally, the third part would be testing the inner power and life stone of the participants.

Only those that have pure inner spirituality can enter the Sky sect.

Shen Yu didn't wait for long before it was his turn.

"Name? And age?" One of the disciples from the Sky sect asked. He was very busy writing names down and trying to speed up the process, thus he didn't even look at the participants' faces.

"Shen Yu. 16 years old."

After writing down Shen Yu's information, the disciple gave him a pendant and told him to show up at the next meeting place that would take place in the next 2 days.

Shen Yu let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, the disciples from the Sky sect did not ask him to take off his hat veil.

Once he finished with the quick registration, Shen Yu went back to the inn.

On the other side, in the Wind Sect, Shen Yu's mother almost faints upon hearing the news that her lovely son has left the sect to who knows where. Shen Yu's father was outraged. He couldn't believe his son had run away from home, thus Shen Zhuo ordered Shen Xin to take some disciples with him to look for Shen Yu.

As a father, no matter how angry he was, he was still worried about Shen Yu's safety and well-being. He really wanted to personally go out and look for his son and bring him back, yet he couldn't just abandon his duty as the grandmaster for personal reasons, therefore he could only have his older son go in his stead.

Shen Yu's mother couldn't help, but cried. She really misses her son dearly. It was the first time that he had left home. She was very worried about Shen Yu. She is afraid and worried that people might say hurtful things to her baby when they see his appearance.

Days went by quickly.

The Shen family still hasn't found Shen Yu's whereabouts. They did not announce Shen Yu's missing to the other sects, or the world in fear that those that have grudge against them, especially those evil cultivators might go look for Shen Yu and harm him as a way to avenge the Wind sect.

Thus, until now only Shen Yu's family and the other elders in the Wind sect know about the fact that he had gone missing.

Shen Yu woke up early again to meet in the second place where the illusion test would happen.

Before the sun was even up, there were around 500 people that showed up at the meeting place for the second test.

Some were younger than Shen Yu, while some were around his age, and some looked older than him. Yet, everyone there all seems to be younger than 20.

Seeing that all of the participants were present already, Ting who is one of the senior brothers from the Sky sect signaled the other disciples to pass everyone a magic bracelet for the test. He then began to explain the test to all the participants, "This test would last for three days. If you guys encounter any danger within the test, you guys are free to break the bracelet. Once your bracelet breaks, you will immediately be out of danger as well as the test. Only those that survive for three days could move onto the final step of entering the sect."

Just as Ting finished explaining, one of the older participants who seemed to be around 19 years old raised his hand and asked, "What if we get injured during the test?"

"If you get injured during the test and survive through it, once you come out your injury will all be healed immediately. But, if you die during the test, then you will die in real life." Ting answered the question.

Most of the participants felt intimidated by Ting's answer as they didn't think that it would be that serious. Some couldn't believe that the Sky sect would actually dare to put their lives on the line.

"Isn't this considered murdering?" One of the fat participants blurted out. He couldn't believe that they could die in the test if one is not careful enough. That is too dangerous.

"Humph! If you are scared then get lost. Our sect doesn't accept losers." One of the Sky sect disciples spoke. He really can't stand such cowardice.

"You...!" The fat guy was so angry upon hearing the disciple's words.

"Alright. Don't argue." Ting said.

"Yes, senior brother." The junior brother bowed to Ting. It was not like he wanted to argue, but he was just stating the fact.

"Because it was going to be dangerous, that is why we gave you all a bracelet. For those, who don't wish to participate in the test can leave now."

The fat participant who just spoke was actually very scared and wanted to leave, but upon seeing how beautiful the girls that were participating, he could only endure and didn't back out as he didn't want to be seen as a coward in the eyes of those beautiful ladies. It would be a huge embarrassment if he really backed out at this moment. Humph! No way would he let that happen.

Seeing that no one was backing out from the test, Ting continued, "For those that can't withstand the danger of the test, I encourage you guys to use the bracelet. It's better to survive than being dead. Understand?"

"Understand." The participants spoke in unison.

Just as Ting was about to set the array to open the test for all the participants, he noticed a figure that seemed to be away from the other participants.

Unlike the other participants, that figure had a hat veil covering his whole face.


The author has something to say:

Shen Yu: Please, don't notice me. Please, don't notice me.

Ting: Hmm...Why do I feel like I have just met an important person? A god? Senior brother? Sister-in-law?

Behind the Curse [BL]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant