Chapter 18

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That same day...

It was now late afternoon. Killian and his crew were all on their way to a healthy recovery. They stumbled upon a medicine shop and found some remedies that would ease the pain and lower any fevers. After that most of the crew went off on their own to do as they please until it was time to leave. Killian then went off gathering a few extra supplies for the ship, nothing too special. As he was walking down the dirt roads he noticed a shop with fine jewelry. He knew Emma wasn't the jewelry type, she only wore her swan necklace, but he couldn't resist entering the store...

The shop was much larger than it appeared from the outside and he had to admit this shabby island had hidden wonders, this store was one. He walked around the shop for which seemed like hours, observing every piece of jewelry there was, hoping there was something he could find. Killian knew he wasn't buying Emma a gift as an apology, but because he wanted her to have everything, money was never an issue when it came to her. In fact, he would sell everything he had just to ensure her happiness. He loved her and he wanted to take every chance he could to prove it, especially after his outburst. He finally made his way to the very back of the shop, passing all the oversized diamonds. He was about to give up his search as this store seemed to fancy for Emma's liking, but it was at the moment he found a perfect ring.

It was simple, yet elegant, like her. The band was a rose gold with small diamonds making up an infinite sign, all tied together with a rose gold heart anchor. It was pure luck that it matched Emma's necklace. He debated if it was worth getting a ring, not wanting Emma to get the idea that he was proposing, she was far too young and had other priorities than getting married. After a few minutes of thinking he decided to get it and tell her that it was more of a promise ring, that even when they fought he would still love her, and hopefully when the time was right, they could spend the rest of their lives together.

After Killian purchased the ring he realized more time had passed than intended and he should've set sail hours ago. He knew his crew wouldn't question why he, the captain, would be late but it was still rude of him to set strict rules for them to follow and he didn't follow them. He found himself dashing to the ship as the sun was starting to set. He quickly boarded, apologizing to some of his men for being late, they accepted his apology. He found his first mate fumbling with his red hat and began to approach him.

    "Smee, sorry I'm late. I got tied up." Killian said to his friend.

    "Oh it's no problem, you are the captain after all!" The jolly man replied.

    "Aye... I suppose so. I've brought you something as a thanks for taking care of Emma." He responded, in a mellow tone.

Killian handed Mr. Smee a solid gold handheld telescope. His first mate was fascinated with the stars and would often ask to borrow his spyglass. Killian didn't mind but he knew Smee would appreciate having his own, not having to give it back after just a few minutes.

"Oh, Captain! It's marvelous! Thank you, sir." Smee responded, overly excited. 

"Of course... How's Emma?" Killian asked, more worried over Emma than a simple telescope.

    "She's been in her room all day. Not to worry though, she's had breakfast and lunch." The first mate responded, more interested in his telescope than the conversation.

    "No no, how is she?" Killian asked once more.

    "Oh! I won't lie, she's still a bit sad. I suggested she talk to you." Mr. Smee responded, putting his telescope away.

    "And?" Killian pushed on.

    "She didn't answer captain." Smee said in a sadder tone.

After the conversation ended Killian took his position at the ship's wheel and took them out to sea once more, getting back on course to Misthaven. The sun had set and it was time for dinner and the evening shenanigans to begin. Killian hasn't participated much, Emma's absence dampened his mood. The crew missed her too but not as much as Killian. He often spent his nights just drinking and sailing the Jolly Roger, he tried to lose himself to the sea and alcohol. It didn't work.

Killian saw Mr. Smee carrying two bowls of vegetable soup, one of Emma's favorite meals. He knew he was going below deck to eat dinner with Emma, give her some company. He had to admit he was slightly jealous. It should be him going down there with a huge grin on his face, eager to eat with the princess and let her talk his ear off. But no, he ruined that. Out of nowhere, Killian got the courage he was missing.

    "Mr. Smee where exactly are you going?" Killian asked in a stern tone, already knowing the answer.

    "T- to give the-the princess her super, captain." The first mate responded nervously after hearing Killian's tone.

    "Nonsense. Take over the wheel. I'll give her dinner." Killian said, ready to take the bowls.

    "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Smee asked without thinking.

    "I don't remember asking for your input!" Killian responded, raising his voice, grabbing the bowls.

    "Y-yes, sir." The short man said, taking his place at the wheel.

Killian knew he was a tad too harsh. He could've just asked to take the meal instead of lashing out, but he let his emotions get the better of him again. The same mistake he made with Emma two days ago, he was already off to a bad start. He shook the negative thoughts from his head and made his way to the Captain's Quarters then to Emma's door.

    "Swan... It's me, I brought dinner." Killian said in a soft tone, tapping her door.

He waited for nearly a minute, there was no response.

    "Emma please, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't mean to... I was just scared I was going to lose you. I know it's a poor excuse for my actions, but you mean everything to me and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you." Killian shared, not knowing if she was even listening.

He stood there in silence waiting for the door to open. He was sure it wasn't and was preparing to leave her soup at the door, but then he heard the doorknob jiggle. To his surprise, Emma opened the door. He stared at her taking in her beauty. Her long flowing blond hair had slight waves, her lips blood red, and her forest green eyes were full of anticipation. She was wearing an oversized white blouse, already dressed for bed. God, she was gorgeous. If he had to pick staring at the sea or her all day, he would choose her every time.

    "Is that vegetable soup?" Emma asked, shaking his thoughts.

    "Um... yeah..." He responded, still lost in her beauty.

    "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... If I had, none of this would've happened. None of the crew would've gotten hurt and-" Emma started to ramble.

    "You staying below deck wouldn't have guaranteed their safety love... and it was wrong of me to order you to stay down here. You and I both know you can fend for yourself. I let my fear take over, I apologize." Killian said, taking full responsibility for his actions.

    "We both made mistakes, but I accept your apology... We better eat before the soup gets any colder." Emma said, trying to change the subject.

That night they ate in Killian's room at his table they shared so many meals at. The beginning of the meal had an awkward silence, something they've  never experienced with each other before. Emma eventually broke the silence by asking how her friends, the crew, were doing. He informed her that they were all fine and they were now on their way to Misthaven and would be there in a few short weeks. The rest of the night remained uneventful, many of the crew retired to their cabins to rest and let the medicine heal them. Emma went to sleep in her room, leaving the door open to listen to Killian while he studied his maps in the other room.

He felt the tension between him and Emma, she held back in the conversations, scared to upset him. He thought of giving her the ring, but it seemed too soon. If he gave it now she would think it was him buying her forgiveness and that's not what he wanted to do, he wanted to earn it, and to do that he needed to give her more space.

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