Chapter 14

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After a long overdue make out session the two returned above deck, both their moods drastically improved. Emma went around apologizing to all the people she had been rude to while Killian continued on with his duties. She had to admit she did miss talking to the crew, in a way it reminded her of home when she would go around the villages asking how her people were doing. All of the crew graciously accepted her apology and gave her a smile.

The rest of the day went on as normal. The crew did their chores, Emms tried to help until Killian noticed, she read some books, talked Killian's ear off and now it was time for dinner. They were all below deck in the dining area. Tonight the chef made vegetable soup, one of his specialties since the princess boarded the ship. Killian knew his cooks stepped up their game and were draining their food supply and spices since Emma had boarded, they wanted her to have nicer meals and nicer meals required more than two ingredients. He wasn't fond of the idea of their food supply becoming scarce quicker, as they rarely made port, but as long as Emma enjoyed her meals he didn't see the need to make a fuss.

Dinner was coming to an end and now the crew had some free time. Many stayed in the dining center to play some card games and drink, some above deck sword fighting, and others retired to their rooms to catch up on some sleep. Killian was still in the dining center scarfing down another bottle of rum while playing a game of cards, he glanced up to find his princess talking the chef's ear off and helping dry some of the dishes in the open galley. He preferred she didn't do any work on the ship but more often than he liked he found her helping, this time he decided to not intervene and just let her be, she seemed happy.

"Captain, a bird dropped this off... " Mr. Smee said, handing Killian an envelope.

"Aye, thank you." He responded, taking the envelope.

Killian recognized the crest that kept the envelope closed. It was from Misthaven, the letter from Emma's parents. He quickly got up to go retrieve Emma.

    "Killian I know you don't want me to help, but-" Emma started to say as she saw him approach her.

    "The letter from your parents just came." He eagerly said, not meaning to cut her off.

    "Really!" she responded with a smile, taking it from him.

    "Yes, love. Perhaps you'd like to go read it somewhere a bit quieter?" Killian suggested, knowing how distracting the galley could be.

She nodded with a smile and they both went to the captain's quarters away from prying eyes and where there was nothing but silence. Emma slowly opened the letter, nervous of what her parents were going to write...

Our Dearest Daughter,

From the moment you left, we've done nothing but worry... We miss you so much. We were not informed of your capture from August or anyone else, so we guess it is to assume he carried out your wishes.

It pains us that we couldn't be there for you when it all happened, we hope everything you say is true... we hope you've remained unharmed and most importantly, we hope you are happy. We trust you to take care of yourself and we hope you return home soon...We will not be mad, we will hear you out and the pirates will remain unharmed until everything has been sorted through and clarified.

Misthaven has been doing well since you left, so you needn't worry, however, the entire kingdom misses their princess and cannot wait for your return. You mustn't worry about what they will think, you know they trust you and will accept you as well.

If you believe Killian is who you are meant to be with, we will do our best to accept him and try to see him as you do... Please return home soon. There is nothing you could do that we wouldn't forgive... We love you.

With all our love,

Mom and Dad.

Emma let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Killian was right, everything would work out and they forgave her... She looked at Killian with a smile and he knew. It was time for the princess to return home.

This is a bit of a shorter chapter, just didn't feel it wouldn't tie in with the last chapter! Leave comments, suggestions, anything! :)

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