Chapter 24

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Angelina P.O.V

I leaned against the stove cooking starting on breakfast as Sofia got Ethan up and ready for school. We decided to turn Y/N's alarms off and take matters into our own hands knowing she had been distant since Ed left.

I think decorating the tree with them might have been my favorite thing we've did together this month, it was such a special and memorable day. We end up letting Ethan pick the tree which was one of the biggest trees that were on the lot. Of course, once we had gotten back to Y/N house that afternoon it took her and Ed forever to get it through the front door. After getting it inside the house and setting it up Ed said his goodbyes and packed a bag leaving the house to the four of us causing Y/N to roll her eyes. Turning back towards Ethan who was a bit confused as to why Ed left in the first place. Y/N, however, didn't let Ethan dwell on the fact that Ed wouldn't be there to help with the tree she simple turned on Christmas music and danced with her son before we sprayed the tree and began putting the Christmas lights on the tree after going to get all of the Christmas decorations from the storage closet.

Y/N had been completely distant from everyone excluding Ethan who she made sure was with her every moment of the day but with Ed being gone things had changed a bit. Ethan was still in school which meant Y/N became super mom not wanting to mess anything up or even depend on anyone. She wouldn't let us help do anything if it had to do with Ethan. Y/N would get up early and get Ethan ready for school and go downstairs and pack his lunch before coming back upstairs and getting ready for work. She'd be the one to drop Ethan off at school in the mornings and changed her schedule, so she'd be able to pick him up after school. No matter how many times Sofia and I offered to help to pick him up or dropping him off Y/n just threw the idea out the window letting us know that she had everything under control. She had started to shut us out completely barely even responding to calls or messages, the only time I saw her is when I showed up to the house, and even then she barely talked to me claiming that she was busy.

This led us to do exactly what we were doing, today was Ethan's Christmas program for his school before they went on Christmas break so we knew Y/N had taken off today. We knew she'd be pissed when she woke up and realized that Ethan was already at school but she needed to realize that she wasn't alone in this, so Sofia would be taking him to school while I was left to deal with the aftermath. My plan obviously but I was afraid she'd get over it sooner or later.

Ethan and Sofia made their way down the stairs quietly causing me to smile. "Good morning," I spoke putting Ethan's breakfast in a Tupperware container and sitting it on the counter. "Morning," the younger boy spoke as he hugged me softly. "Nervous?" I asked causing him to shake his head. "No, just tired."

I chuckled softly shaking my head as he grabbed his breakfast off the counter and thanking me as Sofia grabbed her car keys. "Have a great day and we'll see you soon okay?" I asked causing him to nod grabbing a juice out the fridge. "It's at 11 so don't forget Angie," Ethan reminded me which only made me nod playfully. "Of course I won't forget. We'll be there now go before Sofia leaves you," I spoke causing him to crack a smile at me before jogging out the house with his breakfast.

Wasting as much time as I could before I finally made my way upstairs, I was thankful to see Y/N still asleep which only made me smile. Step one was successful. I climbed back into the bed wrapping my arms around her waist softly making sure not to wake her up as I curled into her. She moved around before sighing in her sleep causing me to freeze nervously.

I made sure to set an alarm for nine-thirty for two reasons. Reason one it gave Y/N enough time to freak out and argue, and reason two it gave us enough time to shower and head to the school.

It wasn't until Y/N jerked up that woke me up as well, "Shit Ethan's late for school." Y/N spoke leaning to get out of bed causing him to sigh wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her back into me. "Shhh, it's Saturday," I mumbled testing to see how well this would work which only resulted in Y/N smacking my arm lightly. "No it is not Angelina let me go Ethan's Christmas program is today and I need to go get him to school so he doesn't miss anything," She spoke causing me to sigh. Goodbye to the thought of getting extra sleep, "Sofia already took him to school Y/N."

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