Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V

I sat in my car heading towards the construction site not knowing what to expect. Things didn't usually go unplanned everything always ran smoothly but when things did get fucked up someone usually always got fired. I sighed trying to relax and not get upsets everyone made mistakes so I wouldn't fire anybody. I wasn't Mark I wasn't going to blame anyone. As soon as I pulled up, I could see our guys outside of the site arguing causing me to quickly get out of the car making my way towards them before things got heated. "What's going on?"

I practically ran into the penthouse screaming as the laundry was sitting on the couch with heels and other shoes sitting around the floors. "Sofia!" I screamed picking up clothes as I walked farther into the house. "What?" Sofia asked walking downstairs in her robe and footsie. "Angelina will be here in fifteen minutes to cook me dinner and the house is a mess and you're here," I spoke causing Sofia to look at me with wide eyes. "Well, why didn't you call me Y/N? I could've at least had the house cleaned and been out of here," Sofia spoke grabbing all the shoes as I began grabbing the laundry which was obvious clean Sofia just hadn't folded it up yet. I grabbed the baskets taking them back to the laundry room sitting them on the shelves knowing we would have to fold them tomorrow instead. "I got so caught up at the construction site I didn't remember and then I had lunch with Scarlett Johansson," I spoke causing her to look at me with wide eyes. "I'll explain later but right now we need to finish cleaning," I spoke running into the kitchen to wash the few dishes that were in the sink probably whatever Sofia had for breakfast. "I'll wash these you need to shower you smell like sweat and cement," Sofia spoke holding her hand over her face causing me to roll my eyes before thanking her and taking the stairs two at a time before running into my room to get a quick shower. "Fuck I'll grab some clothes after," I spoke rushing into my bathroom turning on the shower as I stripped my clothes waiting for it to heat up.

"Fuck," I jumped out of the shower not realizing how long I was in there. I quickly wrapped a towel around my body making my way out the bathroom and into my bedroom. I grabbed two pairs of lace undergarments walking downstairs with them in my hand, "Okay Sofia two questions. Does the red set look better or the black and secondly why haven't we went and saw Ma-"I stopped mid-sentence as I noticed Angelina standing next to Sofia helping take the groceries out of a bag. I watched as both of their eyes went wide before Sofia closed her eyes shaking her head as Angelina looked amused with a grin. "Really?" Sofia asked as I hid them behind my back. "You could've let me know she was here," I exclaimed panicking. "I just got here," Angelina spoke with a small chuckle causing me to shake my head embarrassed. "But to answer your question the red set," Angelina spoke shocking both Sofia and me who both looked at her surprised. "I'm going to go get dressed now," I spoke causing Sofia to nod. "That sounds like an amazing idea you should definitely go do that," Sofia spoke causing me to turn and quickly making my way upstairs. I heard Sofia mumble something as I made my room shutting the door. "Oh my gosh," I spoke as I dropped my towel getting dressed.

 I grabbed my phone throwing my hair up in a ponytail before making my way downstairs. "Walk me to the elevator? Thanks," Sofia spoke not giving me a chance to speak as I stepped into the kitchen. I watched her turn and hug Angelina quickly, "It was nice meeting you. I hope I'm able to see you again in the future." Sofia spoke causing Angelina to hug the younger girl back. "I will be seeing you again! You are so sweet," Angelina spoke before they pulled away and Sofia grabbed my wrist making dragging me into the foyer. "You are so embarrassing," Sofia spoke causing me to snort covering my mouth. "I was second hand embarrassed like I was the one that got caught in the towel," Sofia laughed pulling me into a hug. "I'm glad you're finding this amusing," I whined shaking my head. "Oh trust me she found it amusing too so it's okay," Sofia spoke before pulling away pulling my shirt back looking down at it. 

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