Chapter 8

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"I cannot believe this is our first time doing something together in months," Sofia spoke as we walked around the mall. I bumped shoulders with her lightly, "I know and I'm sorry. We finally found a great location and started digging and finalizing the plans of the building. My tech team is still figuring out the whole key card thing," I spoke slightly frustrated and relieved that we were finally getting somewhere with this Marvels project. "It's fine that's your job I just wished that I was able to hang out with you more than fifteen minutes before you left to go to work," Sofia spoke causing me to throw my arms over her shoulder guiding us towards Starbucks.

"How are things with you and Booboo?" I asked as we waited patiently in the line. I watched as Sofia blushed slightly turning her head. "We are in a good place right now. We've talked about everything out and we're finally official," She spoke causing me to grin slightly pulling the younger girl into a hug. "I'm happy for you but Booboo knows that I'll kick his ass if he hurts you," I spoke causing her to pull away playfully rolling her eyes before she stepped up and ordered for the both of us as I stepped to the side. "You know you still haven't told me what's going on between you and Angelina? I haven't seen her around the house and you've been coming home at the normal time so what's going on?" Sofia asked as she made her way towards me. "We've just been busy. She's started her the whole tour thing with the Maleficent, so she's been away," I spoke with a small shrug before the guy called our names causing us to grab our drinks with a small thank you. We made our way towards a table in the back, "So what happened with the whole talk about your relationship thing?" Sofia asked as I brought my cup towards my lips. "We never got a chance to talk things out. Remember I told you that I texted her when I got home but when she saw actually saw the message it was late, and I was already asleep when she called me. She just told me not to overthink it and that we would talk about it the next time we saw one another. That was almost two weeks ago," I spoke with a small frown which was true. I hadn't seen Angelina in two weeks. I mean we've talked over the phone usually late at night when she was in her hotel room or whenever one of us had lunch or a break. We occasionally texted which I found funny because Angelina wasn't a big text person.

"Do you know when she's getting back?" Sofia asked causing me to shrug shaking my head. "She never told me just said that we'd go on a date whenever she got back," I spoke leaning back into my seat looking around the small coffee shop. "Have you met her kids?" Sofia asked now just throwing questions at me causing me to chuckle shaking my head. I watched the younger girl pout before asking why not. I simply shrugged not knowing the answer to that question. "You're asking all the right questions to the wrong person," I spoke causing her to snort bringing her cup up to her lips. "I know but we haven't talked about her in a while, so I just needed to be updated on everything," Sofia whined softly causing me to smile. "We should have a party tonight?" I said randomly causing Sofia to look at me with an eyebrow raised. "I know right but seems fun," I spoke watching the younger girl think about the idea for a moment before shrugging. "You buy alcohol I buy the food?" Sofia asked causing me to high-five her before pulling my phone seeing a message from Angelina.

Angie: How cool do I look?

Angie✨: How cool do I look?

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