"No." He said quickly. "I just didn't understand why you love me."

"There's so many reasons why I love you." I said with a small smile. "You should have told me about this when I asked you about it."

"I know." He said quietly.

"We're over, Everett." I said turning my back at him. He put his arms around my waist, stopping me from leaving.

"I'm sorry, Em." He said.

"It doesn't matter, Everett." I said as I moved his arms away. "I don't want to know." And I walked away from him.

Back at home, Mom went for her shift while Dad was in the living room. He glanced at me quickly.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I didn't want to lie and I shake my head and fell on my knees and broke down in tears.

He didn't ask anything else, but picked me up and give me a hug. We sat on the living room. My eyes was on the TV. He kept glancing at me, nervously. I think he's afraid I will have another break down.

"Let's go out." He said all of a sudden and I give him an odd look. "It's going to be a long drive and it will be super cold, so dress warmly."

I didn't need second instruction, and went to get ready. He didn't tell me where we were going. We stopped at the gas station, half an hour later and ate from a fast food joint.

For the first time, Dad tried cracking jokes and I smiled. Dad have a weird humour. He drove us to the beach and my eyes widened. There were few people walking in the beach, most likely people from the neighbourhood.

We sat down and stared at the clear water. The sound of the wave was very soothing.

"You want to tell me what's wrong?" He asked me. "You don't have to, if you don't want to."

"Everett and I broke up." I said to him.

"Oh." Was all he said. "You guys looked cute together."

And I smiled and looked at him. "You think so?"

He give me a small smile. "Yes."

"Do you still hate me?" I asked looking back at the water.

"I never hated you." He said.

I looked at him, surprised. "I thought you did. You said you couldn't look at me without remembering all the pain."

"What I meant was.. those days was rough and every time I looked at you and remembered Grayson. I hated myself for not being there for him as a friend." He looked at the water in front of us.

"I heard you told mom you regretted adopting me." I said quietly and his head turned quickly towards me.

"When?" His eyes widened. "I remember mentioning once when I found the truth about your biological parents, but I regretted saying that." He said.

I was somewhat relieved to hear that.

"You don't dislike me?" I asked.

"I can never dislike you, Em." He said. "You're so smart, so beautiful, so loving and kind.. I'm so glad to call you my daughter."

And I looked at him with a wide smile. "I'm glad I'm your daughter, dad." I said. "Thank you for bringing me up and giving me everything."

"Thank you for loving me still after hearing that awful thing I said when you were little. It must have been a shock to learn that way."

"It was." I said to him. "You never give me feedbacks when it came to me playing violin. Mom said you like that instrument."

"You know, Em. The reason I never praised you for your work? I wanted you to be satisfy with yourself and with your work. I didn't want you to depend on mine's or anyone opinion about yourself and about the things you do. If I told you, you did a good job and then next time, when I don't. I didn't want you to be upset about that." He looked at the water.

"I tried hard, Dad. I didn't understand why you never said anything about my works and musics."

"Maybe I should have. Maybe I've confused you. People around you praised you and it was just me who didn't praise you for your effort. I hope you will forgive me, Em. I wanted you to work hard for yourself and not for me, your mom or anyone else. Your satisfaction and happiness was what I had in mind." He said looking at me.

"Now that I understand you better, Dad. I want to thank you for believing in me.." I said giving him a smile. "I also wanted to tell you and mom, that I wanted to study Child and Youth Care. I want to work with children and family. I didn't know how to tell you or mom about it."

He smiled and said, "Did you apply for the program?"

"Yes. Hoping for the best."

"I hope you get into the program, Em. We will love you no matter what. I definitely love you no matter what.. it may take your mom sometime, but she will accept it." He smiled. "I'm proud you made that decision, Em."

And I returned one to him.

Dad went to buy us a warm drink to sit and enjoy the little sun that was keeping us warm in this cold weather.

I was looking around the beach and saw a child, his ball was floating in the water and he was looking around and I know what he was going to do next. I knew it from experience.

"Wait." I called out running towards him. "Stay here." I said to him. "I'll get it for you."

"Thank you, miss." He said politely as he looked at the plastic ball that was floating. I entered the water hesitantly. It's been a long time since we came to the beach and the memories haunt me still. The water was cold, but it felt nice at the same time.

The more I got close to the ball, the more it floated away and the water was already on my waist when I caught the ball and I saw the child squealing in excitement. I was walking back towards him when the waves pushed me around. I threw the ball towards the child hoping he doesn't come closer to the water.

The child thankfully caught the ball, but he looked horrified and that expression bothered me.

Next thing, I felt high force of wave around me and I was struggling, struggling to make it to the dry side.

It's like a nightmare all over again. Remembering my younger self in this position. Helpless and scared. The water was slowly filling my mouth, my nose, my ears and I kicked around trying to escape, but there was too much water filling in me.

At that time, all I thought about was Dad and I still have to talk about lots of things. I have to tell my mom about the program I wanted to get into in college. I wanted to tell my friends to be happy, I wanted to tell London it was okay, things will be okay. I wanted to tell Everett that I love him, and at that time I wondered what he wanted to say to me.

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