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Another song I loved as a kid was Titanium--Jasmine Thompson. She had a beautiful hushed and confident voice that could lull me to sleep at any given moment. You shouted out, but I can't hear a word you say. Ghost town, haunted love. I'm bulletproof, nothin' to lose, fire away, fire away.

Tarin and I were sitting on the couch at his house, watching a movie. It wasn't working. The awkwardness in the air was just too thick. So our "movie" mostly contained us talking.

Tarin: How are you?
Me: You asked me that two minutes ago.
Tarin: Yes, but we teenagers have giant emotional switches.
Me: *rolls eyes* ok ok. I'm good.
Tarin: That's nice.
Me: Tarin... Personal space. Please stop holding my hand as if your life depends on this somewhat ugly hand.
Tarin: I can't hear you. I'm Titanium.

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