Chapter Fifteen

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  When they got to the street where the magick shop was located, Esther quickly realized it was a busy, tourist infested area. What was once an old main street was now lined with T-shirt shops and ice cream stands, and bustling with families that stumbled along as they took photos and laughed. 

It made her nervous to be in such a crowded area, but she quickly realized it made AnnMarie nervous as well. The girl kept her eyes down, and fidgeted with her hands like she wasn't very sure what to do with them. 

"Does the sun not bother you?" AnnMarie asked. "It's very bright out today." 

Esther shrugged. 

"There's a glare, and I can't use my powers in the sunlight, but it makes me feel warm so I don't mind it so much."

"Oh." AnnMarie said before quickly changing the subject. "What's the name of the shop?"

Esther looked down at the piece of paper that Peter had given her. 

"Mint's Magik and More." She said, glancing around at the shops. "Though this seems like a weird place for actual witches to be selling wares."

"Maybe they're hiding in plain sight." AnnMarie suggested.

Esther thought it might be likely. 

Most people didn't believe in things like magick, or spirits, or the undead anymore. There was a good chance that even if she walked right up to somebody and admitted that she was a vampire, they would just think she was mentally ill. 

They set off down the stone streets, which were constructed to look rustic, but definitely modern in their make. As they walked, AnnMarie kept close to her, and actively avoided touching anyone, shying closer to Esther when people passed by. 

Five nick nack shops later, they found it. It was a two story building that was grayish blue in color, and didn't seem to be as heavily renovated as the establishments surrounding it. A wooden sign bearing the name dangled near the door. 

AnnMarie pensively looked to her for reassurance before walking in. Esther followed closely behind her. 

She had barely entered into the threshold when the smell of the place struck her. It was a pungent mix of herbs and spices, and caused her nose to burn and her eyes to water. 

She crossed her arms and tried her best to ignore it and look casual as she scanned the store.

It was packed with an assortment of items, from books and candles, to bundles of herbs and crystals, all of which seemed to be displayed with no particular organization.

It seemed there were only two people in the shop besides them at the moment, a fair haired man who was sliding books onto shelves and a similar looking girl who was sitting slouched over behind the front desk. 

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