Chapter Twenty-One

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Esther sat in the passenger seat of the car, looking up at the white wooden building that was just barely clinging together in front of her. The cross was gone from the top of the building, and what had once been modest stained glass windows were now just wire frames with bits of glass dangling dangling at the edges. In front of the building there was a peeling wooden sign, and though it was damaged with age, Esther could still make out the words that were hand painted there.

God is watching.

AnnMarie cut off the engine and after a moment the lights dimmed, cloaking the old church in darkness. AnnMarie quickly clicked on the light in the car, giving them a small amount of light to see each other by.

"So why did you want me to drive all of the way out here?" AnnMarie asked.

"You can get to the swamp if you go around the back of this place." Esther said. "There are some old canoes back there we can use."

"Okay, but what are we doing once we get there?" AnnMarie asked.

"Admittedly, my plan is fairly convoluted, but I think there's a possibility it may work." Esther said.

"What exactly is your plan?" AnnMarie asked. "I can't really say whether I think it's any good or not, on account of me not knowing what it is."

Esther dug around in the pocket of her flannel shirt and pulled out a small talisman. It looked very much like a crudely made necklace, something a child would put together with bits of grass and beads they found on the ground outside. AnnMarie looked less than impressed by it.

"The witch gave me instructions on how to make this." Esther said, holding it up anyway.

"What is it?" AnnMarie asked.

"It will show you where the witch's bones are buried, but only under the moonlight. We can't have any lanterns or flashlights."

"I won't be able to see anything, right?" AnnMarie said. "It's too dark out here in the county."

"That's why you're going to drink my blood." Esther said, "My blood will let you see through my eyes, and I can see in the dark. If what my guess is correct, you will be able to see in the dark, but still be able to track where the bones are while the spell is in effect."

AnnMarie did not look very excited about anything she had said so far. Esther couldn't really blame her.

"So let me make sure I got this straight. You want me to drink your blood, use witchcraft to follow a magic trail to a grave, and then dig up a bunch of bones and bring them back to my house."

Esther nervously rubbed the back of her head.

"Ah, yeah. That about sums it up."

"That sounds pretty gross."

"We can go back home if you want to." Esther suggested, even though she was practically willing to beg the girl to say yes.

AnnMarie sighed and chewed on the side of her mouth.

"No, I'm fine with it. I'm just a bit of a baby is all."

"I'll keep you safe."

That seemed to cause the girl to loosen up a bit, a small smile finally slipping out.

"So, how exactly am I going to drink your blood? It's not like I have fangs or anything."

"I'll take care of that-"

Esther leaned down and bared her teeth at her own flesh. In one swift motion, she used them to open a gash across her wrist. AnnMarie looked on, seeming faint as the dark red blood began to slowly seep out.

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