part 6

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"Jannie panicked and ran towards the door, but it was already locked. Feeling helpless, she took a deep breath and sat calmly on a couch, pretending to be normal and not scared of the ghost.

Jannie said, "Okay, fine! Let's talk face to face."

Someone whispered into Jannie's ear, "Are you sure?"

Jannie replied, "Yes, I am."

The voice replied, "Leave it! You do panic, and what if you get scared of me?"

Jannie thought, "What does this jerk think of himself?" But she said, "Oh, thank you for caring that much, but for your information, I don't get scared of your ass face."

The voice replied, "Your wish, if you insist me to do then."

Cold air started to blow again, and the entire room filled up with it. Jannie started feeling cold.

Ronnie said, "Turn around, princess."

Jannie snapped back, "Don't call me princess, you jerk!" But she turned around.

She saw a boy standing there, with his arms folded across his chest, chuckling. His body was pale blue, his eyes were a light black, and he had short hair. His nose was not too big, and he had perfect lips. He looked exactly like the boy in the picture hanging on the wall."

•••••Ronnie's picture•••••

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•••••Ronnie's picture•••••

"Jannie panicked and ran towards the door, but it was already locked. Feeling helpless, she took a deep breath and sat calmly on a couch, pretending to be normal and not scared of the ghost.

Jannie said, "Okay, fine! Let's talk face to face."

Someone whispered into Jannie's ear, "Are you sure?"

Jannie replied, "Yes, I am."

The voice replied, "Leave it! You do panic, and what if you get scared of me?"

Jannie thought, "What does this jerk think of himself?" But she said, "Oh, thank you for caring that much, but for your information, I don't get scared of your ass face."

The voice replied, "Your wish, if you insist me to do then."

Cold air started to blow again, and the entire room filled up with it. Jannie started feeling cold.

Ronnie said, "Turn around, princess."

Jannie snapped back, "Don't call me princess, you jerk!" But she turned around.

She saw a boy standing there, with his arms folded across his chest, chuckling. His body was pale blue, his eyes were a light black, and he had short hair. His nose was not too big, and he had perfect lips. He looked exactly like the boy in the picture hanging on the wall."

"Jannie saw a picture of Ronnie hanging on the wall. He was wearing a white hoodie and black jeans.

Jannie thought, "All I want to say about him is that he looks like an actor. He's so handsome. I want to gaze at him for a day and note all the details about him. But now, this is not the situation." She then said to Ronnie, "Well, at least you don't look like a ghost."

Ronnie replied, "Well, thanks for the compliment," teasingly, with a perfect smile on his face.

Jannie replied, "I'm not giving you a compliment. They both smiled a little.

Hey guys, I hope you liked my story. I'll work on my next chapter and publish it soon.  Until then, stay safe, stay blessed, and stay happy."


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