Apologies (23)

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As soon as we get in the room, all eyes are on me, then they slowly drift to Zayn beside me, and then our hands.

Liam is the first one to speak up. "Management is pissed, and I mean pissed."

Harry and Louis then come up to me, and I pull back out of habit.

Instead of a hit, or shove, I'm embraced. Although my shirt is thoroughly soaked from the rain, I can feel their tears dampen my shirt.

I awkwardly hug them back, and after a couple of seconds, they pull back still crying.

Louis finds his voice and speaks for both him and Harry.

"Niall, we are so sorry. I know an apology won't be enough for what we've put you through, but we want you to know that we are. We were jealous that we had to keep our relationship hidden, and you didn't. It was a stupid reason to be jealous, and we are so sorry."

"It's okay." I smile softly.

"It most defiantly is not Niall." Harry spoke.

I shook my head, and smiled slightly. "No, it is. I've had this same thing happen to me before, back in primary school."

Louis places his hand on the small of my back and leads me towards the couch.

"We owe you an explanation now I suppose." Louis says and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

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