Cuts. (2)

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*At the signing*

I sit down at the table where I'm supposed to be signing, but of course I know that no one will come to me so instead I just play on my phone listening to Three Days Grace.

About an hour later some girl comes up to me and says something. Since I still had my headphones in I couldn't hear her. I wish I had done myself a favour and left them in because what she said had really hurt. "Why don't you do us all a favour and kill yourself." Her voice rang in my head. She even handed me a knife to do it with.

Security didn't do anything because honestly, why would they? Now if she did that to one of the other boys, they would have thrown her out. But nobody cares about me so they just let it be. I stare at the knife a little longer and shove it into my cargo pants pocket.

Liam's POV.

I honestly don't understand it. Why can I get fans, but Niall can't. We're not that different from each other. We both have piercings and tattoos, we both have some odd colour in our hair. He has green, I have pink. Yeah yeah pink is a girl colour, but I'm gay so I don't care.

I really feel sorry for Niall. No one has come to his table. It's not fair he has so many good qualities about him. His eyes always shine at the rare times that he smiles. His laugh is so adorable, once again at the rare times he does.

When I had first met him, he was so carefree and full of life, but that was before Simon had put us in the band together. I don't know why he put me and Niall in the band, we're so different from the other boys.

Suddenly something catches my eye. A girl goes up to where Niall is signing. She places a knife on the table. What an odd thing to get signed. I think to myself. Then since I'm practically beside him I can hear what she says. "Why don't you do us all a favour and kill yourself." She states and then turns away.

I tell security that I'll be back in about ten minutes. I get up and walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder.

"Oh my god Liam." She squeals.

"Don't you ever talk to Niall that way again, you understand me!" I shout in her face. This one time I have the confidence to get up off my arse and defend Niall.

"Why it's not like he's of any importance to the band anyways." She smirks.

Oh hell is she ever wrong. Without Niall we wouldn't be a band. He writes most of our songs. He comes up with the melodies. Hell he does everything, and he gets the least praise and glory.

"I said, don't talk about him like that! Ever! You understand me, Niall is more important than anyone in this band! If you can't see that, if you hate him because of some weird reason, well you are no fan of mine."

As I'm about to leave she slaps me. Yeah that's right a 'fan' slapped me. All because I stood up for my Nialler. What are you saying Liam? He's not yours. I'll just figure it out later.

Niall's POV

"Don't you ever talk to Niall that way again, you understand me!" I hear Liam shout. Is he, standing up for me? Liam is standing up for me. Why? A small smile creeps onto my face, and fades once I hear what the girl said.

"Why, it's not like of any importance to the band anyways." After that I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and ran to the bathroom.

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