Should've learned by now

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But as he rapidly blinks the sleep out of his eyes, he realizes what he is looking at and fights off a groan.

That kid.

No matter how hard Shouta had tried to convince and coax the kid to take his bed to sleep on, as soon as Shouta would turn away perked rabbit ears would be right on his heels. He could tell the kid was tired as hell, not even fighting back yawning several times a minute as he followed Shouta around the apartment.

But it seemed the kid refused to sleep alone.

So Shouta eventually gave into his fate and dragged out his yellow sleeping bag. He picked up the kid and placed him onto the couch along the wall, as well as a pillow and a blanket.

When Shouta walked away, the kid perked up once again as if he were about to slip off the couch, but Shouta didn't go far as he stepped into his sleeping bag and plopped onto the second couch himself.

He could hear the rustling of fabric on fabric for a few moments before it settled down. Shouta hoped the kid finally got the picture and would go to sleep.

His own eyes were already drooping as he felt himself drift off nearly right away.

How on earth the kid managed to slip off and lay right next to Shouta's couch while in that huge form, he had no idea. He cursed himself for not being more aware of his surroundings and made to awkwardly get off the couch without awakening the large green mass of fur and scales.

He saw that all three of his cats had made their own bed on the kid, nestled snugly in his long curly fur.

Shouta couldn't help but think it was a bit strange they had all taken to the boy so quickly.

Mocha isn't too much of a surprise, but Juice Box usually takes a while to shine to new people. And Bastard is, well.

He is pretty sure Bastard doesn't like anyone. Shouta certainly hasn't seen it.

And yet, there he is. Already asleep while cuddling into the boy. Weird cat.

Shuffling into the kitchen, Shouta catches sight of the time. It was nearly six in the morning. If he had work today, he would have to be leaving here soon. But, thanks to Nezu, he was granted an additional day off. Woohoo.

He gravitates to the coffee maker like a dying man discovering a river of life saving water for the first time in three days. As a result, the kitchen is filled with the smell of coffee soon after.

Either the smell of the caffeine or perhaps it was Shouta's absence, but soon enough small clanking on the hard kitchen floor makes itself known as scaly feet enter the room.

He stumbled in, tiny balled up fists rubbing at his eyes trying to banish the sleep from them. His already normally wild hair was even messier in its bedhead state. His rabbit ears were currently nowhere in sight.

One by one, Shouta's three cats trail into the kitchen after the kid. He watches as Juice Box makes a beeline for the newly deposited cat food, and as Bastard jumps onto the table blessedly ignoring Shouta's scowl at the action. Mocha seemed content at rubbing against his ankles.

One green eye poked open, upon seeing Shouta he perked up visibly and bounced to his side by the table where he was sipping away at his coffee.

He tugged at his sleeve, standing on the tips of his toes. A trilling kind of noise leaks out of the kid that reminds Shouta's of a questioning tone.

"This is my coffee," he tells him, tipping the mug forward a bit to show off the liquid inside, "it's not for kids." He is pretty sure caffeine is the last thing this kid needs. Shouta is pretty sure he himself wouldn't survive the fallout of that incident.

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