Should've learned by now

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It had started a little collection. An... assortment of items he managed to find.

He first got the idea after seeing that purple haired two-leg carrying a big glossy square... thing.

He liked how it looked, and the feel of it under his fingertips. The strange pictures were also nice to look at.

So, he sat it in his little clearing that he had found for himself. It was protected enough by treetops and brambles surrounding it that he felt safe enough to call it home. It felt barren and exposed with just him there, though, a problem he never had when he lived with the cats and their several numbers.

He shakes his head clear of the thought.

Back to his "collection."

It wasn't really one, just yet. It was still small! He only started it!

But so far, he has one other "two-leg" item and a few shiny rocks he found that he thought were nice. They sparkled unnaturally in the sunlight and he thought that was neat!

Next, he has a small white cat—wait.

[ "Um," ] he gapes at the cat. Catching a quick whiff of it's scent he determines it is a male and also, very, very young. [ "...Where is your mother," ] he asks, because that is probably the most important thing right now. He might have called the foxes off but there are still other animals out here that would snack on tiny kits wandering away from their parents.

[ "Are you the one who used to live with everyone? The green two-leg who could turn into an even bigger green thing?" ] The kit squeaks at him, completely ignoring his question as it trounced near.

[ "...Yes?" ] He answers, bewildered. It's been several seasons since a cat even came in the direction and the boy couldn't wrap his head around why this kit would. The only times he sees other cats nowadays is if they cross paths at the cream-and-food spot.

The kit tilts his head, blue and green eyes studying him carefully.

[ "You don't... look dangerous." ]

[ "Why would you think I was?" ]

[ "Because everyone says so," ] the kit replied as if it was obvious.

The boy frowns.

Why would they say that? His chest twists painfully, he doesn't understand.

He looks down at the kit, who was now sitting patiently in the grass. [ "Why are you here?" ]

[ "I thought it was obvious!" ] The white kit announces, taking a bold step forward. [ "You're going to be my friend!" ]

The boy's bewilderment swiftly melted away like snow in new-leaf. Grinning down at the kit, the boy could hardly get his reply out fast enough as he vibrated with excitement.

[ "Okay!" ]


Shouta grunts awake as a weight suddenly crashes on top of his face from above.

He looks down at the black menace in annoyance. The damned cat even had the nerve to blink ice chipped eyes innocently at him as if he had found no fault in his action.

Bastard then looks away and leaps back onto the green mounded hill next to the man.

And for a second, Shouta is confused. Where did this giant mass come from...? He certainly does not remember having something like it in his apartment.

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