" Aww, you guys are adorable. Now let's eat before this food get's cold. That or before my son decides to murder me with his glares." Catherine states.

Cole helps me find a chair and sit down before he goes back to his seat.

" Thanks." I tell him.

" No problem." He replies.

We eat in silence for a few minutes, Catherine ordered us sandwiches from a nearby store and we were all so focused on eating that we lost interest in talking.

I know, i know, We're actually being quiet for once.

Normally Jason would be complaining about something or arguing with Cole over some of the stupidest topic that you can think of, or i would be yelling at them to be quiet and stop arguing because some of us would rather not damage our hearing before we're 16.

After a few more minutes, we've all finished and Jason cleared the plates and put them in the kitchen so that he can wash them later.

You might be wondering, " Did you just read that right? Jason's actually doing chores?" and the answer to that question is yes, but only because he didn't get out of bed 'till 11:58 even though we were all screaming at him to get up.

Yea, i know that 11:58 might not seem that late, but he was supposed to wake up at 8 to help Catherine with something.

" Hey Ally, do you want to come out to the barn with me? I've gotta feed the horses lunch and i figure that you might want to spend some more time with Ace." Cole suggests.

" Sure." I reply.

As were walking out to the barn, we talk about random things, such as how much school sucks.

" Hey Cole?" I ask.

" Yea?" He answers.

" Is it okay if i ask you something?" I questions.

" I dunno, sure." He replies.

" How come i've never met your mom before? It seems like she would've come to drop you off or pick you up at least once." I ask him.

" Couple months ago my mom and stepdad were driving home from a meeting and crashed."Cole tells me.

"  And?" I question, not really knowing where he's going with this.

" Neither of them made it." Cole says, his voice starting to crack despite his efforts to try and sound strong.

We both stand in silence for a minute, i'm to shocked to be able to form words.

Finally i manage to say, " Cole, i don't really know what to say. I'm so sorry."

Yea, i know that it seems cliche, but what else can you say?

" You have nothing to be sorry for." He states.

" Are you okay?" I ask him.

It's pretty obvious that he's not, but i want to know why.

" I'm fine." He lies.

Really Cole? Everyone knows that when you say your fine, it means the exact opposite.

" Your obviously not," I state," i can hear it in your voice."

" You don't have to worry about me, you have plenty of your own problems to deal with. You don't need me to be telling you all of mine as well." Cole informs me.

" I don't need to know, i want to. I know that somethings up and i'm not letting this go until i find out."

" It's just that, i haven't really told anyone what happened."

" Why not?" I press.

" Because no one cares."

" Of course people care! They have no reason not to."

" And that's where your wrong, they have every reason not to."

" No they don't, so stop acting like you did something wrong!"

" But i did!" He argues, " I always find some way to mess everything up."

" Cole?" I ask.

" What?" He replies.

" Your wrong." I tell him.

" Huh?" He questions, clearly confused.

" People do care. Catherine cares, i care. Heck, even Jason cares."

" Hard to believe." He scoffs," You guys just met me, you shouldn't care about anything concerning my personal life."

" Cole, i'm serious. We do care about you. Sure, you've only known us for a few weeks, but remember that i only met Catherine and Jason shortly before i met you, and i know that they care about me just as much as they care about you." 

I take Cole's hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze.

" You think so?" He asks, keeping hold of my hand like it's saving him from his emotions

The butterflies in my stomach have decided to throw another party.

" I know so." I state.

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