Chapter 7

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" Why hello, welcome! You guys must be Catherine and Ally." an unfamiliar voice says.

"Yes we are, are you Martha?." Catherine responds.

" Yep, born and raised on this ranch, my mom started the business 45 years ago but when she passed i inherited it and started training service horses."

" I'm really sorry to here that, thanks again for having us on such short notice."

" No problem, business has been kind of slow lately so i'm glad that you called."

" Ally here is looking for a guide animal. I saw on your website that you have five at the moment, is that correct?"

" Yes it is, follow me over to the barn where we keep our service horses."

They keep on talking but i kind of zone out after that.

As soon as we got out of the car the girl who Catherine is talking to right now  had come over to welcome us and hadn't stopped talking since.

Seriously, she's talking waaayyy to much. It's starting to get annoying. Okay, not starting to, it is annoying, really really  annoying.

I mean, how much can one person talk about in 5 minutes, cause from what i hear, it's a new topic every 30 seconds.

They will go from talking about family to talking about business to talking about makeup brands in a minute.

Oh well, i can put up with a bunch of talking because i'm getting a mini horse out of it, but next time i go somewhere i'm bringing earplugs just in case. Better safe then sorry.

Finally after what seems like forever we get to the barn, i found that out the hard way, meaning i ran into the wall. I should probably start using my cane instead of just dragging it behind me but when i use it it makes me feel like an old lady.

" You okay Ally?" Martha asks

"I'm fine."

" Well then come on into the barn of cuteness."

The barn of cuteness? 


" Catherine, follow me and Ally just put your hand on the wall and walk forward."

I take a few steps forward and then the wall is replaced by empty space.

" Ally, turn right and you'll be in the barn, your at the door.

The barn.

 My home away from home.

 My happy place. 

The place with millions of  memories, both good and bad.

The Place i haven't been in months.

Even though it's not the barn that i rode in it still smells like horses.

The best smell in the world, well maybe not to some people.

Just being in a barn brings back a bunch of memories.


 "Mommy! Mommy!", five year old me screams,"  Look at all the horsies!"

" Yes sweetie, there are a lot of horses"

I run all around the barn looking at the horses and doing my happy dance, this was the first time that i'd been around horses besides going to horse shows.

I knew from the moment that i first saw them that i wanted to be around them for the rest of my life and to compete like in the shows that i watched.

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