Author's Note +Chapter 1: A Bite and Stab

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Before we begin, I have a few things to say.
First off: yes, I added fan made characters, they will be described when introduced.

Secondly: I am American, and American lingo shall be used throughout.

Thirdly: This is my first work, and I have little experience. So, this will most likely suck.
Enjoy this crap I made. (Mega oof)

And fourth: Whatever you do, DO NOT, under any circumstance, click on random links in the comments. I will try to make sure that all spam and phishing link comments are reported and deleted.
Aizawa and Toshinori Yagi (All Might) were strolling towards the teacher's lounge, chatting about nothing in particular, when, all of a sudden, a pained scream echoed out of the bathroom at the end of the far hall.
After rushing as fast as they could, they saw a horrific sight. Izuku Midoriya (Deku) was lying on his back in a pool of blood. There was someone standing over him, bringing down a sharp wooden object, towards the heart.
In a move of desperation, the blood-soaked boy rolled onto his stomach to move his heart to the opposite side of where the person was stabbing, not a moment too soon. The obvious murderer, already in the stabbing motion, could not pull out of this action.
The object plunged into Midoriya's right lung, instead of his heart, but that only prolonged the inevitable. Aizawa quickly bound the criminal with the grey scarf wrapped around his neck. Both teachers then rushed to the now unconscious, dying Midoriya.
I hope you enjoyed this. I enjoyed writing it. I will try to publish as quickly as possible, but I am human, and I have my flaws.
I hope everyone is well during these difficult times, and am glad to share the enigmatic thing that is my imagination.
Have a nice day,
Edit: Added spam link warning

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