Chapter Four

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One week. That's how long it's been happening. Avery had been on watering duty every day, of course. You had been silent in the fields for the past five days, including today, Friday.

You partially felt like a wimp for not trying to join in on their conversations more, but whenever you did, you got a strong sense of being the odd one out, so you gave up. Social situations were never your area of expertise anyways. You were much more of an athletic-academic type. Good with everything except real people. Definitely not helpful in this kind of situation.

You got mostly straight A's from out-doing yourself, and stressing yourself out. People always told you that you were smart, but you honestly just felt average. The only thing that set you apart from everyone else was being truly hard on yourself until you got what you deemed an acceptable grade.

Breathing problems and chest pains were frequent for you, but the doctor just said that it was a reaction to too much stress. She told you to relax and ease up a little. Easy for her to say, you thought. She's not the one trying to get a perfect GPA and any and all scholarships she can possibly find. The breathing pains continued, sometimes they lasted for a few seconds, and other times, hours. 

Sometimes they would come from social stress. Those ones were the worst because you weren't great at fixing them. Worried about a test? Study harder, and get an A. Can't seem to get a girl to notice you? You have no chance. Good luck in college, maybe it'll be better then. It just didn't come easy for you and you thought it was totally unfair.

Along those lines, you naturally didn't like conflicts either. Handling them was just too hard and too messy. From all your experiences, they left behind broken pieces of what used to be something great. So you decided from an early age that you didn't want to get involved in many problems. Apparently you messed something up with this one, because you and Elsa had spent about 30 minutes together max for the past week, and that was probably just to get a hose.

Everyday you had gone straight home just like the first, and everyday you could feel Anna's eyes though a window trying to figure out how to fix things for you. Today, however, she wasn't in the window, but leaning on your car so you couldn't leave.

"Y/N." She said in false seriousness as you got closer.

"Anna," you said cautiously, "What are you doing?"

Elsa and Avery were walking in from finishing work as well, only a little ways behind you. Just like everyday beforehand, you wanted to leave before you had to talk to them. A little pathetic, you knew, but there wasn't another option you liked better.

"I wanted to invite you to dinner. You know, just like old times." Anna said hopefully, dropping the serious act. You stood there for a minute trying to weigh the pros and cons of going. Could you really sit through an entire dinner without things being awkward? Anna saw your unease with the invitation and added quickly, "Kristoff can come too, if he wants." You tried to think of the positive side and then hesitantly agreed saying, "Alright sure, why not?"

Meanwhile, the two people you were desperately trying to avoid, were approaching your conversation.

"What are you two planning?"

You tensed quickly. You hadn't heard her voice in so long, it was weird to hear it and immediately be afraid.

Elsa was standing behind you along with Avery closely at her side. Like usual. Anna filled them in about Kristoff and you joining for dinner, which was dreadfully followed by a, "Oh ok, Avery you should come too!"

You tried to hide you disappointment as you nodded along like it was a good idea. Anna's eyes widened and she realized that she hadn't helped you, but just lengthened your torture.

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