Chapter Two

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You woke up to a small cough from the doorway. Elsa wasn't moving so you thought maybe you had imagined it, but as you shuffled over to look at source of the noise, you were sorely mistaken.

There stood Iduna Anderson with your white t-shirt, suspenders, and cargo pants all folded neatly in a pile she held. You made eye contact with her and immediately wished you didn't. To say that it was awkward would be an understatement, because there you were, laying down in her daughter's bed, with some of her clothes on, and her arms clinging around your waist.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. Thankfully she waved you not to and gestured to the sleeping Elsa next to you. You figured that meant to keep quiet as to not wake her up. She left your clothes on the dresser and then silently left the room. Taking a deep breath, you prayed she didn't think anything of the situation. Why would she anyways?

Sure, you knew you were gay, but she didn't know that. You've only ever told Elsa, and your family at home of course. It'd be kind of hard to lie around why you had a big pride flag in your room if you hadn't. It may be possible that Anna knew as well, but you weren't too worried about that, she was cool and she wasn't a snitch.

One thing you didn't know for sure was if Elsa was. She never said anything about the subject besides talking about you or joking around. You knew you were supposed to have a gaydar and everything, but you honestly didn't think yours worked very well.

You stopped your brain from going further into that rabbit hole for now and slowly sunk into the bed again. This time, you were facing Elsa as her hands hugged around your back.

"Hey," you said softly, "Elsa."

She started to stir a little as she scrunched her nose. You poked her on the tip of her nose with your finger which seemed to be the key to getting her to open up her eyes.

Upon waking up, Elsa stretched out once and then snuggled back into the crook of your neck. You would be lying if you said you weren't a little nervous at her closeness with you today. It wasn't bothering you, it was just different than her normal.

"Elsa," you said giggling a little as her breath tickled your neck.

"Yeah?" She responded groggily, obviously trying to go back to sleep.

"I think I should head home." You knew you didn't really mean it, but it was for the best. Especially after your encounter with Iduna earlier. Probably best to let this one cool down a little.

Elsa loosened her embrace on you and pulled back. "Aw, why can't you stay for a sleepover? It's not like there's school tomorrow," she smiled and tucked a piece of her hair that fell out back behind her ear.

"Yeah well, that's true but umm," you knew her mom seeing you guys wasn't that big of a deal, but there was definitely still a weird vibe there.

"What is it Y/N?" Elsa was pulling farther away from you, like she suddenly regret something she had done.

You immediately tried to reassure her, "Elsa it's nothing, just your mom walked in here a couple of minutes ago and -" "Wait what?" Elsa looked back at the cracked open door and then to your pile of clean clothes.

"She was just dropping those off," You clarified.

"What did she say?"

You hesitated for a second before answering truthfully, "Nothing. It was kind of awkward though." Elsa sighed and slumped back down to your level. She ran her hands through your damp hair and muttered sympathetically, "Maybe it's best you go then..."


Darkness had long fallen over your small town by the time you walked out of the Anderson's front door. You were back in your newly clean field outfit since you wanted Elsa to have her favorite pajamas. She insisted that it was no trouble if you kept them overnight, but you knew her better than that.

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