Chapter Three

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"There's going to be a few changes to our patch this year," Mr. Anderson started out.

This morning when you got to the farm to start working, Elsa's father stopped both of you to give a couple of announcements regarding the fields. He's done this a couple of times before, usually it's nothing. Maybe a reminder that the fields would be getting bigger or to tell you not to waste so much water spraying each other.

Unfortunately, today's announcement was far from normal, and you were not prepared.

"Since we're getting closer and closer to the busy season, I needed to hire more help. Someone that can fill in wherever - probably setting out fertilizer, watering, or weeding around the pumpkins."

You looked over at Elsa and she seemed just as confused as you were. Deep down you felt relieved that you weren't the only one in the dark on this important matter.

You also felt a little annoyed. Sure, the extra help will be nice to get done with each day faster, but it wasn't like you were in a rush. You've lasted this long after all.

As you were trying to process all this, Mr. Anderson continued, "His name is Avery Roberts. You guys should know him, he's going to be a Junior this year like you."

Wait what? Someone from school? This can't get any worse. This was your time each day with Elsa to act weird. Now you would have act boring because there was going to be someone else here to witness it.

You didn't know this kid personally. Of course, you didn't know a lot of people, you basically only hung around Elsa at school. You just hoped he would be one of those people that stays out of your way and does his own thing. You knew that sounded mean, but this was really one of the only places you enjoyed being and you did not want that to be taken away.

You stopped thinking so much since you got the sense that Mr. Anderson was done. He looked at both of you for a response but got none. What were you supposed to say. No? You didn't have a choice in this, it was his farm.

Eventually you came out with something along the lines of, "Yeah, um okay..."

Thankfully with that, you broke off of the conversation, and left Elsa to chat with her dad. She couldn't change his mind, nor would she try to. It was a lost cause, so you would just have to roll with it.

You walked over to the shed through the dry and uncut grass. Ok, maybe we do need more help around here. You went to open the old doors, but was taken by surprise when they opened for you.

Your confusion was quickly settled when you saw that the doors, in fact, didn't open on their on own and that it was just the new guy getting a hose.

You quickly took in his appearance and sort-of recalled seeing him around school. He had perfect, fluffy brown hair paired with brown eyes. You could tell he wasn't wearing what he normally would, since he had on dirty blue jeans and a random t-shirt. Worst of all, he was tall.

It wasn't necessarily a bad thing - you just really hated being looked down on.

You held out your hand and then quickly retracted it, figuring that shaking hands would be weird for a teenager your age.

"Uh, you're Avery right?"

"Oh yeah," he scratched his head, "I was told to start watering the fields."

You figured you might as well be nice since he didn't seem too bad. "Ok cool, Elsa and I will be out there in a second if you have any questions."

"Elsa?" He questioned while looking around.

"Yeah..." You pointed in her direction, "This is her family's farm." Shouldn't he already know that? Maybe he just doesn't pay attention. Fun.

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