She'll need you

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My belly had grown quite a bit. The pregnancy was going very fast just like Bella's. I was taking it better than her considering I am already a vampire. Yet I'm still more pale and skinner than before.
"Everything seems to be fine. No broken ribs or anything. You are however malnourished. The baby isn't allowing for you to get everything you need. "
Edward just looked at us from the corner. He still felt uncomfortable with the pregnancy. It was his child. He was worse with me than with Bella during her pregnancy. He wanted to me to abort our baby. I left to the pack house for a week and he decided that he would do what I wanted.
"I think we have to start giving you human blood. "
"I can't risk potentially hurting the pack Carlisle I can't have that happening"
Edward scoffed
"Demi if you continue the pregnancy like this it could really affect you. You're starving yourself. "
"What About Jasper "
Carlisle knew I was hardheaded so he just smiled and turned to Edward.
"Son "
Carlisle kissed my forehead and belly before leaving the room. Carlisle never said it but it was obvious what he meant. I would die if I continued this path.
"I'm sorry "
"I can't live without you"
"You're going to have a part of me. She'll need you. "
"Do you honestly think I could love or even tolerate it if it killed you ?"
"It's not her fault. You have to accept what she is. "
I looked at him shocked he'd never risen his voice at me like this.
"Were supposed to be partners, remember ? But you've decided this on your own. You've decided to leave me. "
"Why are you seeing it that way ? "
"We'll I have no other way to see it because, it'll be me who will loose you. And I don't choose that. I don't choose that. "
He walked out of the room. I got up from the medical bed walking out behind him. I wanted to give him space so I wouldn't follow him. Instead I was leaving. I walked to rosalie in the living room she gave me an apologetic smile.
"Let's go baby shopping "
She smiled at me grabbing her keys. I didn't know the gender of my baby but I wanted to the basics.
"Let's grab your stuff do you can wait for me up here. "
She grabbed my black metal water bottle. It would seem normal to others but it had blood inside. She covered my face a bit. I put on sunglasses and waited for her in the front of the house.
"I wanna come "
I turned around to Alice Who can't running towards me. She went next to me so I could lean on her. My belly was big enough that I couldn't see my feet.
Rosalie pulled up in the front of the house. They helped me up and I saw Edward looking at us from our balcony. We drove off once I was in.
"I think we should get a white crib with gray curtains "
"You can do what you want with the room Alice but it has to be gender neutral!"
She squealed in the back seat. Rosalie looked at me wide eyes.
"What? You'll have the baby most of the time !"
She smiled
We arrived at the store and picked out various things for the nursery. Alice did as I said picking colors that weren't feminine but neither masculine. She said we should just decorate it white and gray. Then once the baby was born we could at pink or blue to the room. I also bought some formula and Bottles. Rosalie helped with that stuff and even bought me the set to clean the bottles. Once we were done we headed back home. My stomach dropped when we arrived to my house. I knew I had to talk to Edward sooner or later.
"We'll get boys to come help. "
They ran to the Cullen house. I didn't know If Edward is in the house. I grabbed things I could carry bringing them in. I heard the shower on so I knew he was home. I walked slowly to our room and sat down. Edward came out with his towel on his hip. I looked away embarrassed. He changed quietly when I heard he was done I looked up. He was about to walk out the room but I grabbed his wrist.
"We need to talk. "
"What is there to talk about ?"
I heard the boys come in with the furniture
"We'll talk after. "
I walked outside to try and help them. Alice just slapped my hand. Rosalie rubbed my belly watching them carry the things in.
"We'll come tomorrow to help you decorate. "
I nodded hugging them one last time before they left. I turned to Edward pulling him into our room.
"I don't ever want to leave you. I want to be here by your side. However"
I grabbed his face in my hand
"We didn't use protection that night. Do I regret it ? No. "
I placed his hand on my stomach
"This is becuase of us. It's not her fault for our mistake. She is our baby. Baby. Edward this life that lives inside of me is our baby. It's not a thing. "
I kissed his lips
"You had Renesmee with Bella. She turned out just fine. "
"Bella was human and lucky that I was able to turn her last minute. "
"Then if I'm not lucky at least I died for something I love. "
"You're being selfish. "
"How ? Edward. "
"You're leaving me. "
I hugged him tightly
"I will never leave you. "
He hugged me back letting a dry sob out. He kissed my hair and forehead. I was getting tired so he laid in the bed next to me stroking my hair. I dreamt of the pack. They hadn't been around me during the pregnancy. I had spent three months with them after marrying them. They knew I had to spend time with Edward so they let me be. I would call them at least three times a week.

I felt kisses on my cheek that woke me up.
"Alice and Rosalie have something for you. "
I stood up going to change quickly. Once I was done he walked me to the Cullen house. He ran slowly with me to the house. We walked inside and Alice came out. She clapped her hands dragging me inside. The whole family was around us. Carlisle handed me a small velvet box. I opened it and it revealed a baby bracelet with the Cullen crest. I felt tears stream down my face.
"I'm sorry it's the hormones. "
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I dropped the bracelet . I heard something crack as I dropped down to the floor. Edward and Rosalie were on each side of me. My family in front. I started yelling in pain.
"Lets get her into my office !" Carlisle
Edward picked me up taking me into the office. They laid me in medical bed.
"Just take her out ! She's going to die !"
Carlisle started cutting into my stomach. I yelled holding onto Edwards hand. Rosalie learned from last time and didn't come in.
It hurt so much and I started to feel tired. I heard our baby scream.
"It's a boy "
I smiled up at Edward
"E. J. "
I had talked to Bella about this. She allowed me to take her boy baby name since she wasn't going to use it. I smiled tiredly at him. Carlisle cleaned him off quickly placing E. J. On my chest. I held him and hummed. I could finally sleep.
"Carlisle!" Edward
"I'll take him " Rosalie

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now