Clearing my head

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Paul of course it was . I glared at him then my hair turned blond I felt my eyes slowly changed  . Seth got in front  of me and kissed me long and sweetly . He was surprisingly a good kisser . He broke the kiss and by then my hair was black again . But I turned and remembered about quill .
"Sorry Seth "
I pushed him and closed my eyes and felt my hair turn blond and my eyes change . I walked over to Paul my body radiating with electricity . But this time it was different I felt as though my powers doubled. And stood still for a minute and remembered a power I got from the Volturi the day we went . I simply said
Paul crippled in pain and I stopped . I walked over lifted his chin
"You  do that again and I might just forget that we're mates and end you "
I pecked him on the lips and glided toward the other . Seth looked disappoint it didn't work .
"It's ok Seth but only Edward can do that at least for the time being oh and nice kissing by the way "
He blushed and nodded
"Ok well you not my only mates so goodbye "
I left towards my car and drove off . I got there to see a worried Edward . He walked up to me and threw me over his shoulders . He threw in the bathroom . I knew what this meant I smelled repulsing . I couldn't smell them except for Sam . He smelled like a wet dog . I got in and took a shower I remembered I didn't have a towel . I was going to have an panic attack . But he was going to see my body eventually. Right ?   I walked out and grabbed  my towel Edward saw me blushing and smirked.I grabbed clothes and changed as fast as I could and walked out of the bathroom.
"There happy "
"Much and now I can do this "
He kissed me passionate we countinued then he licked my top lip for entrance . I denied it he  squeezed my butt to make me gasp . But didn't work so he grabbed my boob now that made me gasp . He stuck his toungue and explored my mouth . We kissed for hours until he had to leave for school .
"Bye Demi"
"Bye Edward "
He left ,  bella would be at school to so I couldn't see her until after . I really wanted to go say hi . I let my thoughts be free , I was really stressed with this whole your my imprint thing . I am not going to bush la push for the time bieng until I feel more relaxed about going there . Time flew by and Edward and the rest were back .
"Edward can I go visit bella "
"Be quick"
I knew he wanted to spend more time together because the pack usually steal my time. I drove to Bella's house and knocked at the door . Mr . Swan opened the door .
"Hello Mr. Swan is bella home "
"Yes she is come on in "
"Thank you Mr.Swan "
"She's in her room "
"Again thank you Mr.Swan "
Her room door was open I walked in . She saw me and smiled .
"Hey bella "
"Hey Demi haven't seen you in a year "
"Yup well I missed you "
She hugged me
"So how's school"
"Boring but I still manage "
"That's good "
"So how's the whole situation working out "
"Jacob told you "
"Yup "
"It's annoying really "
"Why if you don't mind me asking "
"I don't get to spend a lot of time with Edward and then the  older imprint are possessive and protective "
"Must really suck "
"Ya and I wanted to tell you an idea I had "
"Go ahead "
"I want to leave for a little while two weeks max  just to clear my head "
"But what about the pack and Edward "
"They have to understand that I need some time to myself "
"Your right "
"Don't tell Edward please I trust you "
"Ok I won't tell him but be careful what time are you leaving "
"While you guys are at school because Esme the only one home and I can lie to her easily "
"Ok be safe "
"I will thank you for listening to me "
"No problem bye Demi "
"Bye bella "
I walked down the stairs
"Bye Mr.Swan "
"You can call me Charlie ..."
"Demi right "
"Ok bye Charlie "
"Bye Demi"
I left towards the Cullen house . I found Edward in our bedroom . Then it hit me Alice would see a vision I had to talk to her .
"Hey Edward "
"Hey "
He came towards me . He kissed me , I loved him and his kisses . But I had to leave just for a little so I can clear my head get myself together . I know that if I tell him I am leaving for a bit he will stop me .
"I need to go talk to Alice"
"Come on Demi "
"Ten minutes max "
I left towards Alice and jaspers room . I didn't even knock on her door when she was already outside .
"I know what your going to ask me and I will do it but it's hard when he can read my mind "
"Wait Alice "
I put a shield around us so we can talk .
"Ok there "
"I just need you to put a kind block on me "
"Umm let me try last time I did this is when Victoria cheated on James with Laurent. "
I concentrated on the color of it the way I put a shield around her thought and BAM ! I did it
"You did it "
"Yup I am awesome like that "
"True "
"Ok thank you Alice "
I walked back to our bedroom . I immediately had Edward lips on mine . But why did he kiss me more than usual . I don't know
"Edward is everything ok "
"I don't get to tell you how beautiful you are and how much I love you "
"And neither do I "
"But now I can "
"As can I "
He kissed me again . He was truly beautiful and handsome . But I had to leave my mind was about to explode if I didn't . Soon enough Edward left the house and the others ( I know that Rosalie and emmet graduates already but just pretend please ) . I grabbed a suitcase and packed all my nesecities for two week in it . I was walking out when esme stopped me .
"Where are you going demi "
"To the pack house "
"Oh ok be careful"
"Will do Mrs. Cullen "
"It Esme"
"Ok bye Esme"
"Bye Demi"
I left and called a cab to a hotel a little out of town .It was a small hotel but cozy . I put my stuff in and thought . My dream that I had before I became what I am . I wanted to be a doctor or a teacher . I wanted to get married and have one kid . Wait marriage I have more than one mate how does that work . How is this going to happen? Ughh. And I am not lying when I mean that the first week I was there that's all I thought about. It was Monday and I needed to hunt. I went to a nearby woods and got two deers and headed back . But when I got there I smelled Edward and another scent I didn't recognize. I got to my room and sure enough Edward was already inspecting my room. I grabbed a towel and some clothes and headed for the bathroom. But Edward stopped me
"We need to talk "
"I NEED to take a shower so it can wait "
I took my wrist from his hand and got in the shower. I dried my self and changed. I walked outside to an angry Edward.
"Why did you leave without letting me know and blocked off Alice's thoughts "
"Becuase you wouldn't have let me and because I knew you would see the vision in her thoughts "
"I would have let you just not this long "
"Exactly but I need this time to think to process"
"But Victoria is still out there and is after you demi and then the sent of another vampire in your room "
"Edward when was the last time you hunted "
"Since you left "
"Edward you need to hunt and you still want to protect me "
"I can't leave you alone "
I thought for a second then I remembered the pack
"But that's where you're wrong I am not alone "
"What do you mean "
"The ..... pack "
"Fine we will talk to them "

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now