The pack

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Bella is going into labor , Rose got a scalpel and cut bella across the stomach . She saw the blood and Edward told her to leave . Edward is inside giving her morphine .
"Sams pack is coming "Jake
"Ok "
The wolves emerged
"Sam "
He looked at me
"I swear if you hurt her I will make sure to go the Volturi and make them kill me and you will have to live with the thought that you killed me and if they don't you will never you hear me NEVER SEE ME AGAIN"
My hair turned blond and my eyes ice blue . I felt all my powers radiating through me
I put a voltage shield around the house .
He nodded his furry head
My hair turned back they left I ran back inside to see rose with Renesmee.
"Can I see my goddaughter"
"Here you go "
She handed Ren to me . She put her tiny hand on my face . A video of me getting her out of bella played . Rose got the baby from me as I fell backwards . Her gift , you could communicate like that and she was part human . I was weaker unless I pushed her powers to the side and only used them when I want . I got up I felt my human emotions take over . I was depressed and sad . Rose handed Re(ray) to Edward before he could help me . He helped me up and was leading me upstairs . Jake stoped her
"I can do it "Jake
"I don't think so mongrel" Rose
"Jake please "
He moved she took me to me ,jake , Leah , and Seth's room . I sat on the bed then tears fell one after another . It soon turned to sobbing rose tried to calm me down but it irritated me
She left without looking back I was sobbing and I couldn't stop . I fell asleep yes asleep . I woke up and my voltage shirld was still up . I put on one of Seth's hoodies which was big . I sat in a corner and let all my tears go away . Everyday I did this and Jake ,Edward ,and Seth would take turns trying tot talk to me . I would ignore them it has been a week bella had one more to go . I had to leave the room , I got up and took a shower and changed . I still had one of Seth's hoodies chase there comfortable.
"Demi ?"rose
"Sorry rose I didn't mean to go off on you last time "
"It ok I know you didn't mean to "
"Can I speak to Carlisle please "
"Yes he's in his offices "
I walked there
"Carlisle "
"Demi nice to see you "
"Re she's half human and it having an impact on me "
"We are aware yes and what effects "
"All my human emotions are showing and I do t know what to do "
"I can't help you demi I am sorry "
"It fine thank you anyway Carlisle "
He nodded I left his office . I needed to let my body free again . My eyes had turned black and i was no longer happy . I had to be happy I thought that for a long minute . I thought if all the good things in life . I imagined my and my mates running and having kids . I knew I couldn't but it was good to dream . I felt the sadness leave . I had to hunt I heard a mountain lion in the distance and ran towards it . I sank my teeth into it , the blood is good but not as human blood . I had to see the pack , but first .
She was next to me in a minute
"You know what to do "
I let my body get to work I felt the knives jab again and again . The smaller gifts I had but I could make them stronger if I wanted . I chose not to just yet but I wanted to make then a permanent mark on me . All my powers I could use whenever I wanted . Not when I needed them . This would take a lot of me but I had to do it . I let out a agonizing scream then tears fell . This was new I put my gifts to the side I'd do t need them . Including my human traits , it hurt a lot . More than when you become a vampire . My three mates were there , but I wanted to see all of them .
"T the rr rest of the p p pack "
Jake nodded and left Edward stood by me . Soon enough the rest of the pack was their but the pain came back . I screamed VERY loud it felt as though someone was missing but who every nine of my mates where here . It stoped  I ran to the pack and hugged them all. But as soon as I hugged Embry my knees didnt work and I was about to fall . But Edward caught me in time .
" let's get you home "
I nodded he carried me to our room . He and I laid there he put my head on his chest . I looked up and kissed him . He turned us over so he was on top . I kissed him harder , I put my hand on his shirt .
"Demi we have to wait "
"Yes you and your formalities "
He pecked my lips and laid beside me again .
"Can the Embry come in then one by one "
"Sure why not "
"Love you "
"I love you more demi "
"Sure "
He left
"Hey dems " sam
"Where's em "
"I wanted to speak to you first and aplogize "
"Go on "
"I am so sorry demi and I love you and we can't live without you "
"Thank you ......... and I love you too"

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now