𝔹𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝕀𝚟𝚢 𓆙

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I ran to the address when I got there I called Carlisle through my phone and set it down. So he could hear the conversation. Bella was there and confused
" Bella "
" Demi he has my mom " she said frantically
" James show yourself "
And with that said he stood in front of a mirror  which was reflected on to the rest of the Mirrors confusing us so we couldn't know where he was.
" James, please "
" you know Victoria was my first love but then I met you and I also had the connection with you"
" James I am like a sister to you "
" no that's what you wanted but I didn't and Victoria knew that's why she would get jealous"
" James why do you want me here "
" because once I am done with her you will leave with me "
" James please if you love me to let her live, it would be like Victoria and me being killed for that guy "
" how do you know that "
"He loves her "
" I am sorry Demi. I love you but, I want to win this game "
" James, please "
He turned to Bella I put an electric shield around her. He turned to me
"Tough love don't take this the wrong way "
He charged at me I didn't know what to do I wasn't trained for a fight. They never taught me since they wanted to protect me. I waited for the impact but instead he was thrown across the room. I looked up and saw Edward he growled at James
" don't touch her "
" I can if I want to after all SHES MINE "
I ran to Bella who was covered in blood. I helped her take out the piece of glass. Even for being a young vampire I had a high tolerance for blood. Once I helped her I went to help Edward.
"James I am giving you one last chance to back down "
" Princess you know the answer "
Electricity flew out of me and on James he cried in agony. I levitated my eyes were no longer burgundy but ice blue. My black hair turned blonde. This was what I called blue ivy last time this happened it didn't end well. He cried in agony and I put more pressure . Carlisle saw me and said
" Demi stop and calm down remember who you are "
I didn't listen until Carlisle told Edward
" make her look at you NOW !"
Edward stepped in front of James I looked at him and immediately calmed down. My hair turned back slowly but my eyes stayed the same. I fell down from the air and my burgundy eyes were back. Edward ran to me but just then James bit Bella. He ran to her and I kneeled looking down. I was about to kill James. Thankfully emmet, Alice, and Jasper did it for me. I kneeled there thinking how I almost killed my family. I turned to see Edward sucking all the venom and some blood out of Bella. I felt bad for him watching as his best friend who he loved almost die.

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now