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My name is Demi I am stuck forever 17 thanks to the one and only Victoria. I am a mimic, I can mimic a power and enhance it from 2  kilometers away.There are not many like me approximately 3 in the whole world. Laurent decided to take us to forks a small city where they could hunt. I personally do not like their life style. But, they are my family so I don't comment. I usually get blood bags from hospitals which means I don't hurt humans and don't have to kill them. Victoria and I don't get along that much but still talk to each other. I was meant to be Laurent's mate but we didn't like each other that way. He and I were like siblings same with James. James and I are a little closer. I disagree with the way he hunts and tortures humans but I don't want to get on his bad side. We are currently in forks I am stuck in a hotel room while they are off hunting. I already had the mini fridge with blood so I could survive during our stay. They entered the room James, of course, had blood all over his face.
"James, why am I not surprised you have blood all over you "
" well how long have you known me ?"
" twenty years if I remember correctly "
" exactly now come to give me a hug "
Victoria growled, yes growled .
" come on Victoria she is like a sister to me now. Demi give me a hug "
" not like that, I won't go take a shower"
"  come on Demi, please "
He knew I hated to hug him when he had blood on him. That's why he did it, I knew I couldn't beat him so I gave in. I hugged him and he smirked at how he won.
" now James go take a shower "
" whatever you say dem "
I considered myself lucky to be alive after all these years . Why ? Because since I wasn't Laurent mate I should be dead . They didn't need me . The rest of the night I spent on my phone because there was nothing else to do . Laurent was watching T.V, James, and Victoria where doing la la la in the shower. The week was boring and the others were out hunting I had to stay in the hotel. We decided to go for a walk since the police were on their tails. Victoria, of course, led them east, when we saw a baseball bounce on the ground. We decided to go check who was playing in a thunderstorm. It was a clan of eight people but as soon as I got there I enhanced three powers. Laurent saw it happen and asked
" you ok "
" yes but they have three powerful vampires on their clan "
He nodded they looked different they were like us but their eyes were hazel. One immediately caught my attention his brown hair ,his cheekbones, everything about him was attractive. He noticed me too. I could read their minds but shut them out and put my mind shield. Laurent spoke up
"I believe this belongs to you "
The blonde man no older than 25 spoke as well
" thank you "
" I am Laurent, Victoria, James, and Demi "
" Carlisle and this is my family "
" hello "
" I am afraid you hunting activities have caused a mess for us "
" Our apologies we didn't realize the territory had been claimed "
"yes, well we maintain a permanent residence nearby "
" really "
James looked at the girl near the attractive boy. I walked over to James and put my hand on his shoulder. I shielded my thought ' James calm down ' he looked at me and nodded but continued with his glare. The other clan noticed and seemed confused. But Laurent continued.
" well we won't be a problem anymore we were just passing through"
Victoria also spoke
" the humans were tracking us but we lead them east   You should be safe "
"Excellent "
"so, could you use three more played, Demi here isn't much of a talker or sports fan  oh come on just one game "
"Sure why not a few of us were leaving you could take there place well bat first  "
Victoria said " I'm the one with the wicked curve ball"
" oh well I think we can handle that "
" Ohh"
Just as we were about to begin the girl with the attractive boy smelled like a human. James being James wanted to play a game.
" they brought a snack "
" a human " no shit Laurent
" the girl is with us it's best if you leave "
James had an intense stare with the girl. Laurent said
" I can see the games is over we'll go now "

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now