Is this why ?

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Today was different though , I visited the pack and they seemed off.
"What's wrong boys "
"Edward " Jake
"Okay what about him "
"He's been getting real bad lately " Seth
"What do you mean"
"He means he looks like shit. Since the Volturi are coming for re and he is stressed to find you as well  "
I kissed them all and said goodbye. I made it back home. The Denalis called me over.
"We would like you to spend the night with us it'll be fun"
I smiled and agreed, we talked and played all night until. This morning when a car came to the front. And familiar scents but my nose. We went outside to see who it was. When I saw Edward I went cold. He looked like shit and Bella with him and re.
"Edward why is the mother of you child still In car "
Edward saw me and I bolted. The Denalis looked at me with confusion. But I ran to my cabin and Locked myself in there. Kate came at my door.
"Demi open up " 
I pulled her inside and closed the door immediately.
"Your Edwards mate , your the reason he looks like that.
"But for a reason "
"Then what's that "
"I want him to be happy with Bella. She likes him and they have a daughter together. She's beautiful, stunning , perfect. I'm not he needs better "
"Your his mate you are better "
I turned around
"No I'm not "
She sighed
"He needs you he is weak he will die "
"He has bella "
"He needs you "
"Where is he "
"At our house "
"Is bella there "
"Yes she is "
"Can you bring him here and re "
"Sure "
A couple minutes later Edward walked in. I ran and hugged him with all of my will.
"I am so sorry you don't even know.  I just wanted you to be happy.  To have a family and live with them. Please understand."
He kissed my head
"I forgive you but come back to me please baby " he cried
"I will in due time Edward "
"I need you the most . We can get married as planned in  two days. "
I chuckled
"Edward that won't be enough time "
"Yes it will please "
"Fine "
I kissed him passionately.
"What about the Volturi "
"They will be coming in a week "
"Then why marry so soon why not after "
"Because I want to be married to you before going through this "
"Ok. Can I see re "
"Yeah " 
He went outside and brought her to me. She put her hand to my face. She showed me the memories she had of me. The part where I played her Edward song and sang to her. When I left.... a tear slipped my eye .
"I'm so sorry re "
She hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"I missed you "
"Me too re , but I'll come back soon I promise. "
"Okay " she hugged me again
I looked up at Edward
"We should head back "
"Okay let's go "
I carried re in my side and we sped to the Denalis. Bella saw me with hatred and pity. I handed Edward re and kissed him.
"I love you don't ever forget that "
I went to my cabin once again. I knew Edward would come back. I was stupid for bringing him in the first place. It would have bought me time. I got my suitcase when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to Edward
"Why are you leaving AGAIN "
"Bella doesn't like me Edward she wants you. I don't want to stand in the way of a perfect family. "
Edward put my things in my suitcase and left. A couple minutes later he picked me up and took me to his car. Bella and re were in the car. The Denalis in there's behind us. During the ride back re was falling asleep. So I took her out of her seat onto my lap. She put her head on my chest and fell asleep. Bella spoke up
"Can you put  Edwards and I daughter back in her seat. "
"She's going to strain her neck "
"I don't want you sucking on her blood"
"I would never "
I put re back in her seat and unlocked my door. That when I jumped out, Edward stopped the car. I ran to the woods and all the way to the Cullen house. I went inside , everyone looked at me surprised.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have came"
I ran before they could catch up. I always run from my problems it not ok. But I don't have the strength to go to them and fix them. I sat at the ledge of the mountain in la push beach. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings.
"Hello Demi "
"Hello Demetri What May I help you with "
He came close to me and kissed my check.
"Nothing much just that there Volturi want to check on their Offer"
"I still don't want to join but thank you for asking Demetri "
"Any time Love "
I smiled at him and stood up. He held my waist and I kissed his cheek.
"Cute face but no bye Demetri"
"Bye Demetria "
I winked at him and waved. He left right after.
"That's why you don't want to come back " Edward
" no Edward it's not. You wouldn't understand but sometimes you gotta kiss ass to live. Demetri found me in the cabin and took me to the Volturi. Seeing as they heard I left your coven. Offered me a place in theirs, I politely declined. So every now in then he visits me to see if I changed my mind. He tries to persuade me with his looks which aren't great. But if I flip him off it'll be worse for me. Edward I love you why would you think I would do that. I don't want to go back because of bella.

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now