40. Interfering Once Again

Start from the beginning

Remus took the seat that Harry had vacated and gave the Headmaster a cold hard stare making his honey coloured eyes turn gold, Mooney right below the surface.

"Well I would like to know why my cub is so scared of you Headmaster" said Remus almost growling.

"I don't know what your on about, the boy must of been scared by how the animal reacted... yes that must be it" said Albus trying to lie but both men picked up on it.

"Headmaster you know very well that Hadrian is a scared and shy child after what had happened to him, thank Merlin he lived through it.

Not once in eleven years did you once check up on the boy, he would of died if my subconscious hadn't of told me that I had to check in on the boy.

He was barely alive!" screamed Severus to Albus but Albus wasn't backing down.

"It can't be that bad from what I've heard he tripped and fell down the stairs and when his cousin went to help him up like a good boy that he is, Harry wanted nothing to do with him.

I also heard that he refused to eat anything that his loving aunt... yes Petunia is her name, she is so nice, gave him saying what she made was disgusting and he would never eat something that she made.

His uncle also said that he refused to help around the house, that he made his cousin Dudley do everything while he was out playing with his friends at the park".

Albus smiled at himself, he knew what the Dursley's did to the boy but he couldn't care he needed his weapon to defeat Voldemort and by Merlin he was going to have him.

Remus sat there and his nose caught on to the lie right away and sent a slight growl at the man, he hated being lied to more than anything.

Severus noticed this right away and so pulled out copies of Harry's medical reports from both Poppy and St. Mungo's and placed them in Albus' desk once again but he didn't look at them so Remus took hold of them and read through them getting angrier and angrier.

His cub was abused, is precious cub, his cub he's known since birth what in Merlin's name has happened.

Mooney was on the casp of being let forth weeks before the next full moon, he didn't want that to happen and so took a shaky breath and glared fully at the man who said that his cub was protected by blood wards.

Blood freakin wards that would only protect if the person it was meant to protect thought of the place as home as well as being loved by the family, otherwise it would do nothing in the protecting.

"You've lied to me and Severus! I can smell it on you, do you really think that you could get past my wolves instincts?? You smell bitter" Remus got up and left the office but waited by the Griffin for Severus.

"Well Headmaster I will yet again inform the Ministry on how you have acted with my son again as each time he comes into contact with you, he seems to have a panic attack.

You sir left him alone to be treated less than a House Elf should be, bleeding, broken and bruised it has taken me a year to get him so then he feels safe in my presence, he's slowing opening up to the idea of a family. A real family.

Now I you would excuse me I have to do damage control on my son that you have cause. Oh and if you try to get rid of Lupin due to his furry little problem you won't have a.... Oh what is the Muggle saying.... Oh yes that's it... a leg to stand on!" and with that he left.


Remus and Severus entered the Slytherin common room and was assaulted by a black blob only to be followed by a small blue haired boy.

"Tev, Hadwin sads" said Otiz clinging to Severus' robes not wanting to be near anyone besides who he would consider his father figure.

Most of the house looked at their Head of House wondering what had happened to the once happy boy that they got to know over the past year.

The new first years didn't know what was happening but they were afraid of what was going to be said.

"Can I ask all the first years to head off to bed, I'll explain more tomorrow morning when the rest of the remaining years get filled in" said Severus to his house, the first years all headed to bed.

"Sir what has happend?" asked Rioghnach Byrnea she stood up and slowly walked over to them, Otiz growled at her, pupils going into slits, he was scared, nervous and angry he didn't want anyone near his family at the moment.

"Otiz calm yourself child. Come here and I'll explain to everyone" said Severus sitting his his chair, he placed Harry on his lap, who in turn curled into a ball, Otiz crawled up his lap as well as held onto his robes.

"We were asked by the Headmaster to join him in his office where he asked why Hadrian never went to his relatives or to the Weasely's for the summer. Let's say he wasn't happy with that answer" and he sighed and rubbed both boys hair.

"He then started to tell me and Professor Lupin what the was supposedly told by Hadrian's relatives that what he had been through over the past eleven years were just accidental mishaps but both is us, Professor Lupin and I knew he was lying, this was all after Hadrian and Otiz had left of course.

I showed him the documents that I carry around mind you these are just copies to our esteemed Headmaster who didn't even look at them again, afterward we both left".

"I was shocked to say the least of what my best friend's son has been though and how unlike his father he is due to it" mumbled Remus but everyone heard him.

"If I had known I would of got him out of there. I would of saved him from what he has been through" Remus was angry and upset, this wasn't helping his wolf who was crying to be released.

Everyone stopped once they heard soft snores coming from their Head of House, thinking that it was Otiz they looked but they were caught by bright glowing eyes at them, they then looked at the black haired child, Harry was sleep.

Severus slowly got up with the help from Remus, Otiz was again glued to his robes holding tightly too it while Severus went to the dorm Harry shared with Blaise and Draco.

"Professor Lupin is Hadrian going to be ok?" asked a third year, he only smiled back at him and said nothing more, everyone turned to see Severus come back down, Otiz still glued to him.

"Ok then everyone I think it would be best if you all went to bed, I know tomorrow is Sunday but I would like to have everyone here to have a conversation about what we are going to do to help Hadrian deal with the Headmaster from now on.

Draco, Blaise can you take Otiz for me please, he knows you two more than anyone else in this form. The reason why he's holding onto me is because he doesn't feel safe".

"Come here Otiz, let's get ready for bed" said Draco coming over and picking up the child.

"Dway, Hadwin sads" and he curled into the blond before dropping off completely.

"Look after both of them Draco".

updated: 5/6/2020

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