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I sat in the rescue boat shivering and sopping wet.

I have never hated lifeguards more in my life.

Apparently somebody had seen me jump off the pier and called for help. Couldn't people see I didn't want to be here anymore?

They docked the boat and lead me onto the pier where Ms.Valdez was waiting with wet eyes and open arms.

3 months after

I walked out of therapy with a sigh. I wasn't happy but at least I wasn't suicidal anymore..or at least most of the time. Andro nudged my leg urging me to keep walking. I sighed and started to trek back towards home.

1 year after

So apparently I Ms.V thinks I should write in this journal so..here I go I guess. I had become friends with this short italian kid. His name was Nico..something, he's kind of cute im thinking of talking to him again.

1 year and 3 months after

Me and Nico have been pretty good friends for about two months now. I mean he's pretty nice. He's so different from Jason, I don't know if thats a good or bad thing.

1 year and 5 months after

Im starting to gain feelings for this Di angelo kid. And I feel terrible. I mean HORRIBLE. Im not even over Jason yet, I never will be! Anyways were going to some sort of fair tonight.

1 year 9 months later

Goodish news and bad news. Nico kissed me! Annnnd then I freaked out and ran home. I invited him over to apologize tonight. Maybe I'll tell him about Jason? He's told me about his sister Bianca so it's only fair.

1 year 11 months later

Nico asked me out today. I told him I had to think about it. So naturally I came home and balled my eyes out. Would I be offending Jason if I said yes? And would it be fair to Nico? I still love Jason! But I really like Nico as well. It just feels like im cheating on both of them somehow..

2 years after

Me and Nico have been dating for around a month now. Everything is going pretty good, but I still kind of feel like im cheating on Jason. But Ms.V, Grover, and Leo like him ok.

2 years 4 months after

Today I decided to let Nico come to Jasons grave with me. I talked to Jason as I always did and Nico even said a few things to him as well. I told Jason I loved him and that I'd be back soon and then we left and that was that.

2 years and 7 months after

I told Nico I loved him today. He said it back right away as if we said it on a normal basis. It felt good to finally say it aloud. There's a thunderstorm going on right now, thunderstorms always remind me of Jason. I feel like it's his little way of telling me he's glad I moved on. Jason will always have a place in my heart though, nobody will ever take his place. Not even Nico. Nico has his own place in my heart.

4 years after

Ok two VERY big things happened today. First I turned 21!!! And I had my first (legal) drink! And second Nico..proposed. I had been thinking about that moment for what seemed like months now waiting for Nico to pop the question. I always thought I would either have a panic attack or tell him that I would have to think about it. But as soon as he got down on one knee and asked me, the words just rolled off my tounge like the only reason I had ever been given the ability to talk was to awnsere that question. It wasn't my proudest moment as I squealed "OH MY GOD YES OF COURSE YES!!!" and then cried immediately after. Im excited to say the least. And I have a feeling in my heart that Jason is to.

4 years and 6 months later

I am now a married man. I write this with my husbands head lying on my shoulder. I have come such a far way from that sad night on the dock. And I swore I kept seeing Jasons smiling face in the corner of my eye during the reception. I still miss him I always will, but I think I've finally accepted that hes gone. I played the video of me singing and Jason laughing at me for Nico today. We both laughed and cried. I guess this is sort of a letter to you isn't it Jason? Im to lazy to change all the "Jasons" to "you" though. So from your Percy Jackson. I love you Sparky rest easy babe.

    Persuses Achilles Jackson/Di Angelo

Word count:806

Ok I balled my fucking eyes out making this first of all. And im sorry it took so long! I wanted to get it right! And im sorry if it isn't what you wanted! Im ok with the ending. But anyways im working on a batjokes fanfic right now just for fun lol. Anyways Lilly ouut💛💛

I Hate You.. (A jercy AU)Where stories live. Discover now