Chapter 18

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I woke up..smiling? Since when do I wake up doing that? Wait, who's arms were around my chest!? I started to freak out when I remembered, Jason. My boyfriend. I turned around so I was facing him.

I found myself studying his face, how could I have ever hated him? "Like what you see?" I was startled out of my thoughts by Jasons deep morning voice.

My face got hot, "I mean duh, I am dating you aren't I?"

His eyes finally opened to look at me. "You're hot in the morning"

I chuckled as his eyes widened and his face went red as he realised what he said.

"Thanks sparky" I said still chuckling.

"Sparky?" He questioned.

"My new name for you" I said tracing his jaw line with my finger. I leaned in giving him a quick peck on the lips, as I went to pull away but Jason pulled me back resuming the kiss.

I gasped a little and he slipped his tounge in my mouth. He switched our position so he was on top not breaking the kiss.

Just when the kiss was getting really heated somebody cleared their throat loudly. I pushed Jason off me and sat up quickly to see a very amused Ms.Valdez.

I could feel my face burning and Jason could've passed for a tomato.

"You to make a cute couple, at least I hope you two are" She said smirking.

"Yea..we are" I said my face getting somehow even more red.

"Jason honey can I see you in the kitchen for a moment" She said sweetly walking to the kitchen.

"Uh y-yea sure" He stammered getting up and following her in.


I stepped into the kitchen to see a very serious looking Ms.Valdez.

"I hope your not just trying to get him to have sex with you" She said bluntly.

"What! N-no!" I squeaked.

"You seem like a nice boy but..He goes through enough ok? But he is also a..character" She said, I could tell she was going to say something else.

"I know that he slept around..before" I started "but I trust him."

She smiled a bit sadly, "he really is a good person, It just takes him a bit to open up to people."

I nodded, "yea i-" We were interrupted by the door opening and slamming shut followed by loud shouting.


I heard my phone ding so I picked it up. Why the hell is Octavian texting me? I opened up the message from him and clenched my fist in anger.

Have fun with Jason, to bad you got him used from me. When hes bored of you tell him my arms are always open

I called him and he picked up on the second ring.

"Meet me at half blood park in five minutes" I snarled.

"Im right outside actually, I was expecting a fight" He said back chuckling.

I thew my phone down and ran out the door slamming it shut. I saw octavian on the other side of the rode standing on the sidewalk smirking at me.

"FUCKING BITCH, DONT TALK TO ME ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND" I yelled running across the rode and tackling him. He grunted in pain but quickly recovered.

He wiggled his arm out from under me and punched me right in the throat. I coughed and went slack, he flippped us over so he was on top. My head connected with the pavement with a sickening crunch. I swung blindly seeing stars, I must've hit my target because I heard Octavian yell out.

"Fuck, my nose! You fucking broke my nose!" He yelled getting up shakily. He kicked me in the ribs before stumbling off.

I groaned, he sure as hell was an asshole but he did have some fight in him.

That bitch doesn't know who he messed with.

Word count:650

Ayy two updates in one day. I really felt like Octavians ass deserved to be beat so..yea. But I gotta warn you guys, this story probaly wont have a happy ending. So like just saying now, If you want a happy ending this probaly is not the best story for you. Anyways Lilly ouut💛💛

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