Jr. - Bittersweet Memories (Fluff, slight angst)

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A/N - You are Kat in this situation. You may now proceed.


"Oppa, where are you?" Kat whined as she talked to her boyfriend over the phone.

"I'm just leaving the store now, baby," Taesub replied. "Did you really think I was going to let our four year anniversary pass without getting you a gift?" Kat giggled a little, her cheeks turning red.

"Araseo, just hurry home," she said. "The dinner I worked so hard on is getting cold."

"Haha, I will, love. I'll be home in ten minutes, okay?"


"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Ten minutes. Those were the worst ten minutes that Kat had experienced. Ten minutes.

I love you. Those were the three words that Kat hated. I love you.

Four years. Those four years caused Kat so much pain. Four years.


Kat placed the colorful bouquet in front of the grey, engraved stone.

In loving memory of

Kwon Taesub

July 15, 1994 - December 20, 2014

It was unfair, his death. He was a good man, never did any wrongful thing to anyone or anything. He never put himself before those he respected and loved. He was a good man, so why did it have to be him? Kat wanted an answer, but she never got one.


"We're terribly sorry, miss," the police officer said. "It was a head on collision. He had no way of surviving it. We're so sorry." Then he walked away, leaving Kat speechless on the steps of her apartment complex.

It takes 1/3 of a second to blink an eye. 1/3 of a second. That's how long it took for the love her life to be swept away from this world. 1/3 of a second.


Kat boarded the bus, en route back to her lonely and empty apartment. She plopped in a seat in the middle section with a heavy sigh, scooting next to the fogged up window before laying her head on it.

It always rained whenever she went to visit his grave. It was like whoever controlled the weather was constantly watching her, checking to make sure the rain poured at exactly the right time. So far in the past three years, it hadn't failed once.


"Excuse me, would you mind if I sit here?" an unfamiliar voice said, waking Kat up from her disturbed sleep. When she looked at the owner of the voice, she saw a rather tall, black haired male standing there with a friendly smile on his lips.

"S-sure," she replied quietly. He widened his smile temporarily and sat next to her, placing his nicely folded together hands in his lap.

"My name is Jinyoung, what's yours?" the same man said, making Kat shift her attention to him once again.

"Kat," she answered, not really too sure of why he was speaking to her in the first place.

"Oh, is that a nickname?" he asked, carrying on the conversation.

"Yeah," she said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"That's cool," he said, smiling brightly at her again. "I like it. Kat." There was more silence for a while until he spoke up again. "So where are you coming from?"

"Look, I get that you are trying to be all nice and friendly by making small talk," Kat began, rather, "but I'm not in the best mood today or any day for that matter, so I would really appreciate it if you just let me sleep." Kat thought that she would scare him off honestly, but Jinyoung just smiled at her.

"Araseo, I hope you have sweet dreams," he said before turning away, a smile still occupying his lips. Kat was a bit taken back, but layed her head back on the window.

Suddenly, a cloud of melancholly expanded above her head. Taesub was always patient like that, especially with her. Whenever she would get upset, he would just smile and give her space. Patience was one of his best traits in Kat's opinion.

She felt the saltiness of tears begin to fill her eyes, so Kat blinked vigorously, desperately trying to make them go away.

"Here," Jinyoung said, holding a hankerchief in front of her. She examined it and then him, making him look back at her. "Blinking never helps with crying." Kat was hesitant at first, but took the cloth in her hand and used it to dry her eyes. "Oh, this is my stop," he said, looking at the window. "Maybe I'll see you around." He smiles and gets up from the seat as the bus comes to a stop.

"Wait, you forgot your-" Kat started saying, but never got to finish because he was already outside. He waves at her from the sidewalk and she gives him a baffled look. He points to the hankerchief she is holding and she holds it up. He just nods and gives her a thumbs up before walking away in the opposite direction the bus is traveling.

Kat watches for a few seconds, but then turns her attention to the thin, blue cloth. She unwraps it a bit and feels something inside. Curious, she unravels it completely and finds a note inside on a small piece of paper.

I might not know what you are crying about, but I've been watching over you for the last 3 years and I want to say it was nice finally getting to talk to you.

A single, tiny tear runs down her cheek, for that was the very thing that started her love for Taesub.


Kat was just leaving work and, since her car was currently being repaired, she had to take the bus. She gets on and takes a window seat, as she usually did. A few stops later, the bus becomes more occupied and someone sits with her, but she didn't see who.

Kat suddenly feels the need to sneeze, so she pulls the hankerchief she always carries around from her pocket and prevents it from happening.

"Still have my hankerchief, I see," the person sitting beside her said. She froze a little before turning her head. The guy looks at her and smiles. That smile. She knew that smile. She recognize it from a mile away.


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